Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
3.0.8, 3.2.4
Sprint 4
How to reproduce:
- create a new template
- create a new web scenario in this template
- create a new host with this template
- add a new step to the web scenario on the template
- save a template
branches/3.0 r66529
Undefined index: httpstepid [httpconf.php:310 ? CApiWrapper->__call() ? CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() ? CApiWrapper->callMethod() ? CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() ? CLocalApiClient->callMethod() ? CHttpTest->update() ? CHttpTestManager->persist() ? CHttpTestManager->inherit() ? CHttpTestManager->save() ? CHttpTestManager->update() in include/classes/api/managers/CHttpTestManager.php:206]