How to cancel an app subscription for mobile devices

Latest update: May 16, 2023 ID: 14072

A subscription allows you to use the premium features of a Kaspersky Lab app for a certain period of time. For example, for a month. The subscription will be automatically renewed until you cancel it. You will be charged automatically before the beginning of each subscription term.

Cancel your subscription if you: 

  • Purchased a different license or subscription for the premium version of the app.
  • No longer want to use the premium features and plan to switch to the free version of the app.
  • Deleted the app and don’t intend to use it anymore. 

Otherwise, you might be charged twice, or charged unexpectedly.  


How to cancel a subscription on Android devices


How to cancel a subscription on iOS devices


How to cancel a subscription on Huawei devices without access to Google Play

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