Information provided by publishers to enable their use of or interaction with Google advertising systems:
- must be materially accurate and complete, without misleading omissions; and
- cannot be expressed in a deceptive or misleading manner.
Examples: The personal information or payment details provided by a publisher are materially incomplete, obscured or inaccurate. Information provided about a publisherâs website (e.g., in the ads.txt file) or app (e.g., in the app-ads.txt file) is inaccurate. Ad requests that contain partial or inaccurate URLs or AppIDs.
Tips for understanding this policy
Dishonest Declarations | Google Publisher Policies
For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.
The following are additional examples that can help you understand the dishonest declarations policy:
- Providing incorrect personal information. For example, incorrectly submitting your address or inaccurate date of birth.
- Modifying ad request details by hiding your URLs.
We strongly recommend that you use an ads.txt
or app-ads.txt
file. Since it can help buyers identify counterfeit inventory and help you receive more advertiser spend. If youâre dishonest with the information contained with your ads.txt
or app-ads.txt
file, this would be a violation of the dishonest declarations policy.