Resources to help you get ready for privacy and regulatory changes for traffic in the European Economic Area (EEA)

This article is for customers who use Google's online and offline solutions and receive data from end users in the European Economic Area (EEA).

As a part of Google’s ongoing commitment to a privacy-centric digital advertising ecosystem, we are strengthening the enforcement of our EU user consent policy (EU UCP).

Advertisers must adhere to the EU UCP to use ad personalization and for measurement when using:

  • Tags that send data to Google (websites)
  • SDKs that send data to Google (apps)

To keep using applicable tags/SDKs for measurement, and for ad personalization, and remarketing features, you must collect consent for use of personal data from end users based in the EEA and share consent signals with Google for these use cases.

The requirements also apply if you are using Google Analytics data in Google Ads, Search Ads 360, or Display & Video 360. When using tools to upload data from non-Google sources, such as enhanced conversions for leads or store sales, advertisers should review our customer data policies.

You can get a customer measurements plan by using the Privacy Planner and also learn more about Durable measurement.

Make sure you bookmark this resource page and return to it regularly to stay up to date with the latest recommendations.

What you need to do

Obtain user consent

You are responsible to obtain users’ consent on your website or app or any data you upload to Google. You need to obtain the user’s consent choice to grant or deny consent for storing information about their behavior.

Google has partnerships in place with many Consent Management Platform partners. They will help manage cookie consent banners and communicate those choices to the Google tag via consent mode. If you haven’t done this already, for websites and apps, you can implement a consent banner or other custom consent solution, or use a Google Consent Management Platform (CMP) Partner.

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Set up Consent Mode

Once you have obtained user consent, you need to communicate the user’s consent choice to Google. Many CMPs handle sending the consent state to Google. If you implement a custom consent solution, you must implement a method to send the consent state to Google. Consent mode lets you communicate your users’ cookie or app identifier consent status to Google.  Your CMP provider will automatically update to the newest version of consent mode. Please work with your provider to ensure you are using the latest consent mode update. If you maintain your own banner, implement consent mode v2.

Migrate to GA4

Google Analytics 4 has replaced Universal Analytics. Starting July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties stopped processing data. If you do not migrate, you will lose critical advertising capabilities that will no longer be supported for affected traffic in the EEA. If you haven’t yet, verify and update your Analytics consent setting to ensure you’re sending the necessary consent signals to Google.

Update to the latest APIs or SDKs

If you are using Google APIs/SDKs to share audience data with Google, you will need to upgrade to the latest Google Ads API and Display & Video 360 API. App advertisers should update to the latest Google App Conversion Tracking API or SDK version which will allow them to properly communicate consent signals to help respect user choices and enable comprehensive measurement and modeling. For our app advertisers working with App Attribution Partners (AAP), please upgrade to the latest AAP SDK/API version and work with your AAP partner to ensure your consent signals are communicated to Google.

If you’re using APIs to share offline data with Google, you will need to update to the latest APIs or SDK for Apps to prevent offline audiences (i.e. Customer Match) degrading from March 2024. Or customers that do manual uploads of offline data, will have to complete a consent attestation within the product UI. If you work with a Customer Match upload partner (CMU) please ensure they have completed this upgrade.

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