Ieu kaca ngabéréndélkeun naon-naon anu loba ditanyakeun ngeunaan ngagunakeun jeung ulubiung di Wikipédia. Lamun teu manggih jawabna, coba kotak sungsi atawa Méja rujukan.
Pikeun nyieun artikel anyar, anjeun kudu boga rekening/akun Wikipédia — anjeun bisa daptar di dieu. Kauntungan boga akun bisa dibaca di Keur naon nyieun akun?
You move the article using the "move" button (to the right of the "edit this page" button). But in order to do this you must have an account that has reached autoconfirmed status, meaning it must be at least four days old and have made at least ten edits. If you are not an autoconfirmed user, or the move is controversial, or the page you wish to rename is move protected, visit Wikipedia:Requested moves. You may also request to have an admin grant you confirmed status.
A username cannot be deleted. If a username was deleted, all the edits made by the user could not be properly attributed. You can, however, change your username, and request that your userpage be deleted by placing {{db-user}} on the top of the page. See also Wikipedia:Right to vanish.
Wikipedia is not a printed encyclopedia. If you are asking this question because you wanted to cite a certain revision of a Wikipedia article, you can see the page Citing Wikipedia.
Almost all articles on Wikipedia are written by multiple editors, not just one. If you click on the "View history" tab at the top of an article, a list will be displayed of all the contributors to the article and when their contribution was made. If your purpose is to cite Wikipedia, see the question above. See Who writes Wikipedia for further details.
There is a third party site, not maintained by Wikipedia, which currently allows you to view page hit counts since December 2007. Toplists are available here though these might not be current.