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"It sounds like you are not satisfied with the Neimoidian involvement with the Trade Federation."
"Ah. That's a very…binary view of things. […] I believe in the idea of the Trade Federation. When the Republic fails to recognize your homeworld as anything but an asset in shipping and commerce, you become a commodity. And a statistic. I'll not let my life be a line item in a shipping manifest. With the Trade Federation, Neimoidians finally have a voice. History shows the Republic barely acknowledged our existence until the Trade Federation."
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi speaks with Neimoidian Ruug Quarnom[3]

The Neimoidian faction[1] was the faction of the Trade Federation controlled by members of the Neimoidian species,[2] who leveraged control over the entire Federation.[4] As such, it was not the only faction of the Federation controlled by Neimoidians.[5] Through the Trade Federation, the Neimoidians secured a voice for themselves in galactic politics and history.[3]

The Neimoidian faction allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Separatist Crisis,[1] a period of galactic history from 24 BBY to 22 BBY[6] where thousands of star systems left the Galactic Republic for the CIS.[7] Recruited into the Confederacy by Separatist Head of State Count Dooku,[8] Senator Rush Clovis of the InterGalactic Banking Clan particularly focused his work with the Separatists on the Neimoidian faction,[1] although he worked to keep his dealings a secret.[9] Additionally, the Neimoidian faction and Federation as a whole continued to do business with the Republic, claiming to be neutral.[10]

Behind the scenes[]

The Neimoidian faction was first identified in the eleventh issue of the Star Wars Helmet Collection magazine, which was released in 2016 by De Agostini.[1]


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Notes and references[]
