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The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Give into the dark side, and I will show you what true power is."
―Bpfasshi Dark Jedi leader[1]

A male Bpfasshi was the leader of a group of Dark Jedi during the Golden Age of the Old Republic. He was the cause of the dark side energies and phenomena that would occurred in what became known as the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah.


The group was pursued in 700 BBY by a Jedi team. In a cave on Dagobah, he was confronted by Minch, who was eager to fight the humanoid and prove his mettle. The Bpfasshi mocked Minch, calling him a "small child" and scolded him for his anger and weakness. Enraged, Minch defiantly replied "Size Matters Not!" and attacked. The Dark Jedi quickly repulsed the attack and replied that size indeed mattered.[1]


Apparently changing his form into hundreds of smaller incarnations of himself, the Dark Jedi enveloped Minch, who desperately lashed out with his lightsaber. When Minch recovered, the Dark Jedi was mortally injured, and told him he had potential as a Dark Jedi.[1] His blood seeped into the cave floor as he died,[1] and was the cause of the many dark side energies and phenomena that would occur in the same location that became known as the Dark Side Cave many years later.[2]


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