rock operatic science fantasy (and more) by Matthew Graybosch

Something Short...

...for a change. Thank or blame FlamedFury.

196 words, created on , updated on

Here I sit, brokenhearted / I came to shit and only farted.

I’m stuck in the toilet with my laptop. The last time FlamedFury bookmarked something I had written, they said I broke it down in too many words (as usual :P).

No doubt it was meant in jest. Nevertheless, here’s proof that I am not always prolix: a shitpost since I can’t seem to shit.

And I do appreciate seeing my stuff linked on other people’s websites. Even if I’m feeling backed up because Solid Snake has mistaken my ass for a cardboard box and won’t come out.

a screenshot of Snake hiding inside a cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid V

Snake hiding inside a cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid V. Would this fool anybody in the real world? Or would soldiers be trained to shoot at cardboard boxes that are out of place?

Either that or I need to eat more greens. Never mind that I hate salads. Regardless, this shit will eventually happen. Just as long as I drop a Brown Sabbath album instead of Napalm Death.