Something Short...
...for a change. Thank or blame FlamedFury.
196 words, created on , updated on
Here I sit, brokenhearted / I came to shit and only farted.
I’m stuck in the toilet with my laptop. The last time FlamedFury bookmarked something I had written, they said I broke it down in too many words (as usual :P)
No doubt it was meant in jest. Nevertheless, here’s proof that I am not always prolix: a shitpost since I can’t seem to shit.
And I do appreciate seeing my stuff linked on other people’s websites. Even if I’m feeling backed up because Solid Snake has mistaken my ass for a cardboard box and won’t come out.
Either that or I need to eat more greens. Never mind that I hate salads. Regardless, this shit will eventually happen. Just as long as I drop a Brown Sabbath album instead of Napalm Death.