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E tswa ho Wiktionary

Sesotho word (South African orthography): wena
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): oena

English translation: you - second person absolute pronoun; singular

Derivative(s)/Related word(s): o (you - subject concord used pronominally; singular )
Example of usage: Wena o motswalle wa ka. (You are my friend.)

Absolute pronoun
Pronoun used instead of a noun.

  Singular Translation Plural Translation
First person nna I rona we
Second person wena (SeSA) / oena (SeL) you lona you
Third person yena he/she bona they

Class  1 2 1a 2a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15
Subject concord o ba o ba o e le a se di e di bo ho
Absolute pronoun yena bona yena bona wona yona lona ona sona tsona yona tsona bona hona
Translation he/she they he/she they it they it they it they it they it it