Journalist Max Blumenthal, a good friend of this show, was arrested on Friday on charges that he assaulted a pro-Juan Guaido protestor in front of the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington last spring. Max was finally released from Washington, DC’s central jail over the weekend. But his arrest and coming prosecution says a lot about the lengths to which anti-democratic forces in our own government are willing to go to silence dissent.
US troops will remain in Syria, ostensibly to “guard” Syria’s oilfields. This is despite President Trump’s protestations that he wants to end US military involvements overseas. Meanwhile, more details continue to emerge from Saturday’s special forces operation that resulted in the death of Daesh* leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Kevin Zeese, co-coordinator of Popular Resistance, whose work is at, joins the show.
Britain’s Labour Party announced that it will support Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for early elections. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had said earlier that the party would oppose early elections, but he changed his position in advance of a formal vote this afternoon because Johnson met his demand to take a no-deal Brexit off the table by asking for a deadline extension. The vote already is seen as a last ditch attempt by both sides to either affirm or reject Brexit. Brian and John speak with Alexander Mercouris, the editor-in-chief of The Duran.
Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’d al-Hariri announced his resignation today in the face of massive protests against government corruption, high taxes, and a lack of economic opportunities. Meanwhile, huge protests continue in Chile and Iraq, with the Chilean cabinet already having resigned and another 18 demonstrators were killed overnight in Iraq. Jamal Ghosn, the former managing editor of al-Akhbar English, and Andrea Alvarado, a member of the central committee of the Social Convergence Party and has been in the Chilean demonstrations, join the show.
Australian regulators accused Google today of misleading consumers about its collection of their personal location information through its Android mobile operating system. The lawsuit is the first of its kind by a government against a tech company for its use of subscribers’ personal data. Consumer groups in Europe have been suing Google for several years over the same locational tracking issue. Dr. Robert Epstein, the Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, which you can learn about and support at, joins Brian and John.
Tuesday’s weekly series is False Profits—A Weekly Look at Wall Street and Corporate Capitalism with Daniel Sankey. Brian and John speak with financial policy analyst Daniel Sankey.
Today’s regular segment that airs every Tuesday is called Women & Society with Dr. Hannah Dickinson. This weekly segment is about the major issues, challenges, and struggles facing women in all aspects of society. Hannah Dickinson, an associate professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and an organizer with the Geneva Women’s Assembly; Nathalie Hrizi, an educator, a political activist, and the editor of Breaking the Chains, a women’s magazine; and Loud & Clear producer Nicole Roussell join the show.
Daesh (aka ISIL, ISIS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia
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