US Defense Secretary Urges Congress to Take Military Action Against ISIL

© REUTERS / Jonathan ErnstThe United States should use military action against the Islamic State following US President Barack Obama’s proposed military resolution, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a Department of Defense (DOD) statement on Wednesday.
The United States should use military action against the Islamic State following US President Barack Obama’s proposed military resolution, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a Department of Defense (DOD) statement on Wednesday. - Sputnik International
Chuck Hagel expressed support to Barack Obama's proposed military resolution on battling the Islamic State. He urged Congress to avoid any restraints on the commander-in-chief's plans.

US House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy thinks Obama's draft authorization for use of military force against the Islamic State limits the ability of the US military to fight against the terrorists - Sputnik International
Obama’s Plan to Fight ISIL is Too Restrictive - US House Majority Leader
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States should use military action against the Islamic State following US President Barack Obama’s proposed military resolution, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a Department of Defense (DOD) statement on Wednesday.

“I welcome the president’s proposed resolution… and urge Congress to pass it,” Hagel said expressing his support for President Obama’s proposed military resolution for US military force against the Islamic State. "Given the nature of our adversary and the complexity of our ongoing campaign, I urge Congress to avoid any undue restraints on the commander in chief's choices in the effort to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL."

John Boehner - Sputnik International
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Hagel added he agrees with Obama that "bipartisan support for the proposed ISIL AUMF would provide an important signal of support to DoD personnel, of commitment to our partners, and of resolve to ISIL.”

The current draft as it stands reflects important input from Congress, according to Hagel, and gives the Defense Department the support and flexibility needed in military exercises against Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. The work with Congress on getting the resolution passed however is far from over, Hagel said.

U.S. and British soldiers chat at the site of a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan in January. - Sputnik International
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On Wednesday, President Obama signed a message to the Congress with respect to draft legislation on the AUMF in connection with the Islamic State, according to the White House.

Proposed document approves limited ground operations against the terrorists, such as rescue missions involving US or coalition personnel, but excludes «enduring» combat. The draft authorization is said to terminate three years after the date of the enactment.


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