Finnish Sci-Fi Movie Trailer Depicts 'Dancing Putin'

© Sputnik / Go to the mediabankPresident Vladimir Putin’s policies and his concern about the expansion of NATO on Russia’s doorstep meet more understanding in the eastern part of Germany than in its Western part, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
President Vladimir Putin’s policies and his concern about the expansion of NATO on Russia’s doorstep meet more understanding in the eastern part of Germany than in its Western part, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. - Sputnik International
A minute and a half long trailer shows Vladimir Putin, played by a Finnish actor Kari Ketonen, sitting in his office with scissors and scotch tape, and working busily on the map of Eurasia.

MOSCOW, December 3 (Sputnik) — The Finnish-Australian team is making a short parody film Iron Sky, which depicts Russian President Vladimir Putin's character, played by a Finnish actor Kari Ketonen, Russian News Agency Russia Today (RT) said.

A minute and a half long trailer shows Vladimir Putin, played by a Finnish actor Kari Ketonen, sitting in his office with scissors and scotch tape, and working busily on the map of Eurasia. After Ukraine is “in place”, the Russian President rips off his shirt, jumps onto his desk and starts skipping to a Russian sailors’ dance, all the while wearing a pair of camouflage pants. To keep the theme relevant, a cover version of the Russian national anthem plays all along the scene.

The video has already been viewed almost one million times on YouTube, the BBC said.

Behind all of these ironic and sometimes vulgar images of the overly masculine images of the Russian President, one thing is certain, it is an indisputable fact that Putin has become a favorite and widely discussed subject for global pop culture around the world, RT said.

Despite the increasing talks about a new Cold War, images with Putin sell, whether people buy iPhone covers, shirts, or film-makers use the image of the world’s “most powerful man” to promote their movie.

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