"Hello Bikini Bottom!" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 8. In this episode, Mr. Krabs takes over as band manager for SpongeBob and Squidward.
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Squidward Tentacles
- Squidward's heart (debut)
- Squidward's foot (debut)
- Eugene H. Krabs
- Patrick Star
- Colonel Carper (debut)
- Sheldon J. Plankton (2 cameos)
- Mrs. Puff (2 cameos)
- Dwight T. Wad (2 cameos)
- French Narrator
- Jellyfish
- Gary the Snail (mentioned)
- Ned and the Needlefish
- King Neptune (cameo)
- Appraiser and Pawn Shop owner
- Bert (cameo)
- Ernesto Blindfish
- Incidentals
- Incidental 34
- Jim
- Champ 2
- Incidental 25
- Joe
- Steve
- Incidental 46
- Troutenheimer
- Incidental 49
- Incidental 6
- Incidental 42
- John
- Incidental 37B
- Incidental 47
- Incidental 3
- Incidental 41
- Incidental 31
- Tuck Tucker
- Sandals
- Incidental 67
- Incidental 14
- Incidental 48
- Incidental 20
- Incidental 64
- Harold
- Stretch
- Frank
- Harris
- Incidental 12
- Incidental 103
- Incidental 30
- Incidental 60
- Incidental 7
- Incidental 102
- Gale
- Judy
- Incidental 68
- Harold
- Dale
- Mary
- Incidental 92
- Frank
- Incidental 27
- Incidental 9
- Musician 3 (Green)
- Incidental 88
- Incidental 89B (debut)
- Mabel
- Incidental 117 (debut)
- Incidental 116
- Incidental 150
- Incidental 151
- Incidental 152
- Incidental 153
- Incidental 109
- Incidental 8
- Carol
- Incidental 13
- Incidental 2
- Incidental 69
- Incidental 186
- Charlie
- Incidental 15
- Incidental 30A
- Old Man Walker
- Incidental 93
- Lou
- Victoria Ellen
- Incidental F4 (Yellow)
- Incidental 95
- Incidental 63
- Billy
- Incidental 119
- Lenny
- Incidental 115
- Teen 3
- Incidental F3
- Incidental 17
- Incidental 82
- Jellyfish geek G10
- Billy Fishkins
- Judge 3 (cameo)
- Gorilla
- Old Man Jenkins
- Octopus boy
- Other kids at the party
Act 1[]

The episode starts with Squidward deciding to play his clarinet. SpongeBob overhears him and decides to join him by playing his ukulele. They both play back and forth until Squidward blows his clarinet out of his mouth, then tells SpongeBob that he will never play with him. A stylish fish claps for them liking SpongeBob and Squidward's performance and Squidward asks who the fish is. The fish introduces himself as Colonel Carper. Colonel says that he wants to be SpongeBob and Squidward's band manager and that they will make a lot of money.
However, Mr. Krabs overhears money being involved and forcefully makes himself SpongeBob and Squidward's band manager. He even manages to steal tips from Carper on what a band needs: A tour bus, venue, sound equipment, and roadies. Mr. Krabs steals Mrs. Puff's busmobile and drives back to the Krusty Krab, then he takes off his speaker, checking off both having a tour bus and sound equipment. At the moment, all he needs is a roadie, in which, he sees Patrick entering the Krusty Krab holding a boat and makes him the roadie.
Mr. Krabs, Squidward, SpongeBob, and Patrick all travel to a building that hosts the appearance of Ned and the Needlefish. Mr. Krabs meets up with Colonel Carper again, and Carper explains how much better he is doing. He then blasts on Mr. Krabs for having poor sound equipment and a roadie. He also manages to even blow up Mr. Krabs' sound equipment by telling him his service will be free.
In the next scene, when Squidward is playing his clarinet on the microphone, Mr. Krabs' "sound equipment" explodes. Carper then breaks down laughing, not knowing Mr. Krabs was stealing his sound equipment from behind him. Mr. Krabs then drives the gang to their first gig: a supermarket. Squidward complains about the place they are playing at and demands Mr. Krabs to drive back to the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs says it is impossible because he sold the Krusty Krab to a Pawn Shop, much to SpongeBob's dismay. Even Squidward thinks that was a bad idea. Plankton is seen walking past the Pawn Shop and spots the Krusty Krab. He then runs home going to get his money.
Squidward and SpongeBob finally begin to play at the supermarket, and all of the other customers even start using food items to play along with the beat as well. Once Squidward and SpongeBob stop playing, all of the customers leave, which Squidward dislikes. The Supermarket Manager then bills Mr. Krabs for playing at his supermarket. Mr. Krabs then takes the gang to the Shady Lanes Assisted Living Facility retirement home, and he manages to convince Squidward to play there. However, every time that SpongeBob and Squidward play, an elderly fish keeps yelling out "Too loud!," even if SpongeBob and Squidward are not playing. The next gig ends up at a child's birthday party and the act finishes after the gig ended soon when a kid playing a game sticks Squidward.
Act 2[]

Electronics Outhouse.
Act 2 begins as Mr. Krabs drives to the next destination. Squidward says that if the next gig is anything like the others, he will quit. When Mr. Krabs stops at the Electronics Outhouse, Squidward attempts to leave off the bus, but Mr. Krabs slams the door on his face, saying that it is not their next gig. Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Squidward all look toward a large crowd heading toward a stadium, and Mr. Krabs says that is their next gig (which says "Ned and the Needlefish Today!"). Mr. Krabs drops off SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick and goes back to the "Next Town" sign and starts to do work on it. It turns out that he made it redirect Ned and the Needlefish to the Electronics Outhouse, in which, the band drives to with Ned thinking that they really have gone downhill.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob and Squidward are preparing to perform for the crowd. The curtains open up, and the entire crowd is cheering. However, Squidward notices they are chanting for Ned and the Needlefish, but SpongeBob thinks that the crowd is cheering for them instead. As the lights turn on, the crowd notices that they are not Ned and the Needlefish. Squidward says that they know what they came for and he and SpongeBob start playing, but the crowd (with Harold actually giving the signal) begins to chase them off the stage. As the duo are being chased away, Ned and the Needlefish are performing at the Electronics Outhouse. Bert asks Ned about something, but Ned tells him that one of his band members could help him instead. Back at the stadium, Colonel Carper returns, and he is furious at Mr. Krabs for stealing his sound equipment and for driving Ned and the Needlefish off course.
Carper tells Mr. Krabs that he is suing him for everything he has got and has his roadies take back his sound equipment and even tag "Losers" on Mr. Krabs' tour bus. Mr. Krabs is highly depressed as he drives again, with Squidward saying things have gotten worse. Mr. Krabs breaks down in tears and ends up driving off a cliff with the bus tumbling many times but only suffering a flat tire. Mr. Krabs asks for Patrick to put up the spare, but Patrick ended up eating it (which Squidward actually guessed correctly). SpongeBob pulls out a small bag of tires telling Patrick he would have given him one. Squidward gets fed up with everything, not even caring if Mr. Krabs goes broke and decides to walk off but walks into a series of cacti along the way. SpongeBob tries to convince Squidward to stay, but he will not budge and walks off into the sunset.
SpongeBob then starts to sing about not giving up and eventually, Squidward turns back around, and he and SpongeBob play for the final time on top of the bus. They notice a crowd cheering with Mr. Krabs in shock; however, Patrick ruins the moment when he says that they're only cheering for the rare meteor shower that was going on. Mr. Krabs then sets up an admission stand to have people pay to see the meteor shower and makes all of his money back.
Unfortunately for Mr. Krabs, there is a long line of fish waiting to get paid back from him for all the trouble he caused, which includes Mrs. Puff, the Supermarket Manager, and even Colonel Carper. Carper asks for the rest of Mr. Krabs' money for using his equipment, causing him to lose profits from the Needlefish show, damages to his property, and the rest just because he wants it. Mr. Krabs, of course, refuses. Carper then has his roadies dump all of Mr. Krabs' money into his pants, then drops him onto the ground. Mr. Krabs, along with SpongeBob, is outside the Pawn Shop and is sad that he will never get his Krusty Krab back. Fortunately for him, SpongeBob offers Mr. Krabs a piggy bank of Gary's college fund, which he grabs without hesitation, and he buys back the Krusty Krab and puts it on his boat. Mr. Krabs drives off with SpongeBob. Plankton arrives shortly after with a wagon of money, wanting to buy the Krusty Krab. However, the Pawn Shop Owner tells Plankton that he just sold it but has a taco stand instead. Plankton looks on with a shocked look on his face, closing the episode.
This episode was in production during 2011.[4]
During a tour of Rough Draft Korea for students of Yongsan International School of Seoul in 2016, various SpongeBob color background books were discovered for many episode segments. One of the books found was created for the first half of "Hello Bikini Bottom," confirming that it was shipped to Korea on March 23, 2012.[5]
Production on this episode was completed on August 3, 2012.
Promotional art[]
Model sheets[]
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) SpongeBob music |
• Clownfish Capers - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Title card.]
• Clarinet - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Squidward playing clarinet.]
• Uku - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob accompanies on ukulele.]
• Squidwerd Bad Clarinet - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward blows his clarinet out of his hands.]
◦ High Tide Time - Sean Charmatz, Eban Schletter
• Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr ["We got a tour to put on!"]
• Grass Skirt Chase - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Krabs drives Mrs. Puff's bus to the Krusty Krab.]
• Thats It ! - Nicolas Carr ["Roadie... check."]
• Wig Struck Rock Transition 3 - Nicolas Carr ["Here we are, boys!"]
• Skipping to School - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield ["Where do I put this?"]
• Ned & the Needlefish 1 - Nicolas Carr [Ned and the Needlefish appear.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 19A - Jeremy Wakefield [Colonel Carper laughs.]
• Who Said That- Jolly Good Fellow 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["We have a tour bus, sound equipment, a roadie..."]
• Mounting Metal Mayhem - Nicolas Carr [Krabs screams at the roadies.]
• Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr ["Deal!"]
• Squidward Giant Clarinet 1 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward starts playing.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 7A - Jeremy Wakefield [Speaker blows up.]
• Wig Struck Transition 2 - Nicolas Carr [Wall of speakers.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 22A - Jeremy Wakefield [Krabs steals Carper's speakers.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 35 - Jeremy Wakefield ["We're performing at a supermarket?"]
‣ Dramatic Impact (3) - Ivor Slaney ["The Krusty Krab's not there anymore?!"]
• Shanty Dirge - Nicolas Carr, Steve Marston ["Me heart aches when I think of me old girl..."]
• SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Krusty Krab at the pawn shop.]
• Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Hopping hamburger stands!"]
• SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [End of scene.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 34D - Jeremy Wakefield ["Quit your worrying back there."]
• Bass Gtr - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob and Squidward begin playing.]
• Clave - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob and Squidward begin playing.]
• Uku - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob playing ukulele.]
• Uku - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob playing ukulele.]
• Clarinet - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Squidward playing clarinet.]
• Shaker - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Fish eats the nuts.]
• Can 1 - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Fish hitting two cans against each other.]
• Can 2 - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Fish hitting two cans against each other.]
• Afuche - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Patrick rubbing two potato chips against each other.]
• Accordion - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Fish playing bread like an accordion.]
• Pretzle Flute - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Fish playing pretzel like a flute.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 4A - Jeremy Wakefield ["Thank you very much."]
‣ Tympup A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Bill.]
• Aloha Lui Lui - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Retirement home.]
• Clarinet - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob and Squidward start playing.]
• Uku - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob and Squidward start playing.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 31C - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob and Squidward back away.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 31D - Jeremy Wakefield ["Too loud!"]
• Big Top in 4 - Brad Carow [Birthday party.]
• Solo Steel and Vibes 1 - Jeremy Wakefield, Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob and Patrick asleep.]
• Silly Bob Conversation 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Now Entering Next Town.]
• A Simple Conversation 1 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Mr. Krabs drives to the stadium/Mr. Krabs changes the direction of the concert.]
• Ned & the Needlefish 1 - Nicolas Carr [Ned and the Needlefish tour bus approaches.]
• Clarinet - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [Squidward playing clarinet at the Ned and the Needlefish concert.]
• Uku - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob accompanies on ukulele at the Ned and the Needlefish concert.]
‣ From the Dead - Ronald Hanmer ["Chase 'em off stage!"]
• Needlefish Band Practice - Nicolas Carr [Ned and the Needlefish playing at the electronics store.]
• Wig Struck Transition 2 - Nicolas Carr ["Thanks."]
• Clowning Around - Barry Anthony [Carper confronts Mr. Krabs.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 19E - Jeremy Wakefield ["Losers" painted on the side of the bus.]
‣ Dramatic Bridge 4 - Phil Green [Crowd going wild.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 40A - Jeremy Wakefield [Krabs cries.]
‣ Cloak And Dagger [#69] - Phil Green [Bus goes over a cliff.]
• Clowning Around 2 - Barry Anthony [Patrick ate the spare tire.]
‣ Epic Tragedy - Gerhard Trede [Krabs cries that he doesn't have any money.]
• record scratches SFX - Nicolas Carr ["Forget it, I'll just walk!"]
• Humorous Conversation Full Mix - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Squidward walks into a cactus.]
◦ Never Give Up - Sean Charmatz, Eban Schletter
‣ Solo Harp [#60.06] - Harry Bluestone [Meteor shower.]
• Jovial Pirate's Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [Admission booth.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 14A - Jeremy Wakefield ["Get Paid Back From Mr. Krabs" Line.]
• Hot Steel and Slide Licks 8C - Jeremy Wakefield [Mr. Krabs pays back everyone their money.]
• Sponge Crusher - Nicolas Carr [Collecting time.]
• Sad Sack Shanty - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [Krabs crying at pawn shop.]
• Bikini Bottom Bound - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Ending.]
- This episode is available on the SpongeBob SquarePants Vol. 14, Complete Eighth Season, SpongeBob on Tour, The SpongeBob SquarePants Collection, The SpongeBob SquarePants 8 Season DVD Collection, Next 100 Episodes, The Best 200 Episodes Ever, The Seventh & Eighth Seasons, and The Best 300 Episodes Ever DVDs.
- Advertisements for this episode refer to it as "SpongeBob SquarePants on Tour."
- This episode was also originally going to be titled "SpongeBob on Tour."[6] The SpongeBob on Tour DVD release still refers to it by this title.
- Mrs. Puff is shown to be a good engineer in this episode, as she makes her own school field trip bus.
- The font on Mrs. Puff's bus is the same as the one found on The Complete Fourth Season discs.
- SpongeBob and Squidward have been in bands before in "Band Geeks" and "Krabby Road."
- Frames from this episode are later used in "Friendiversary" when SpongeBob remembers Squidward.
- There is an online game of the same name based on this episode.
- This is the second episode where Squidward plays his clarinet, with SpongeBob playing his ukulele at the same time. The first was "Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom."
- This is the last episode for several things:
- In packaging order, the last episode of the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise to be fully produced in 480i standard-definition full screen. The next episode, "Extreme Spots," and onwards, are produced in 1080i widescreen high-definition. While not being the last in production order, this was the final SD episode shipped to Rough Draft Studios Korea (in early March 2012).
- Despite being the last episode in packaging order to be in 480i standard-definition full screen, the last 480i standard-definition episodes in airing order were "Chum Fricassee" and "Move It or Lose It."
- This episode's production was finished after a few season 9 episodes had finished production, as well as after the season had premiered.
- The last episode written and storyboard directed by Aaron Springer in packaging order.
- The last episode written and storyboard directed by Sean Charmatz before he went to work at DreamWorks Animation.
- The last episode where Steven Banks was credited as a story editor.
- The last episode written by Dani Michaeli until he briefly came back to write the season 10 episode "Lost and Found."
- This is Andrew Overtoom's final episode as an animation director until the season 12 episode "Gary & Spot."
- In packaging order, the last episode of the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise to be fully produced in 480i standard-definition full screen. The next episode, "Extreme Spots," and onwards, are produced in 1080i widescreen high-definition. While not being the last in production order, this was the final SD episode shipped to Rough Draft Studios Korea (in early March 2012).
- This episode was aired alongside various specials from SpongeBob SquarePants and The Fairly OddParents, leading up to the Nickelodeon movie 100 Things to Do Before High School, which would later become a series.[7]
Dub facts[]

German title card
- During the original German airing, the title card was never shown until the following day.
- The German title card for this episode does not have an exclamation mark, unlike the English version.
Cultural references[]
- Colonel Carper's name is a parody of Colonel Parker, who was Elvis Presley's manager. Carper also wears a suit similar to the ones that Elvis wore.
- When Colonel Carper says, "Hmm, let me think about that for a second...," The Thinker by Auguste Rodin appears on a mirror.
- The Thinker is also referenced in "The Masterpiece," "The Googly Artiste" and "Insecurity Guards."
- Electronics Outhouse is a parody of RadioShack.
- When SpongeBob pulls out a bag of tire snacks, the tires say "GoodBoat" being a parody of Goodyear.
- SpongeBob throws his ukulele down in the beginning of the first song, but when the camera zooms out, the ukulele is nowhere to be found.
- When Incidental 46 plays a bread loaf like an accordion, her bikini top is missing.
- When the bus falls off the cliffs it is still daytime, but in the next shot it's nighttime.
- After SpongeBob finishes singing, "Never Give Up," he suddenly has his pants back on despite ripping them off during the song.
Names in other languages[]
Language | Name | Meaning |
Chinese (Traditional) | 我要當巨星 Wǒ yào dāng jùxīng |
I Want to Be a Superstar |
French | Bob et Carlo en tournée | Bob and Squidward on Tour |
German | Hallo Bikini Bottom | Hello Bikini Bottom |
Italian | Ciao, Bikini Bottom | Hello, Bikini Bottom |
Russian | Здравствуй, Бикини Боттом! Zdravstvuy, Bikini Bottom! |
Hello, Bikini Bottom! |
Spanish (American) | ¡Hola, Fondo de Bikini! | Hello, Bikini Bottom! |
Spanish (European) | ¡Bob Esponja se va de gira! | SpongeBob Goes on Tour |
- ^ File:12967920 473910576130180 5318106348810033595 o.png
- ^ File:Incidental 117 model sheet.png
- ^ File:Incidental Teen 13 model sheet.png
- ^ EIDR Record: Hello Bikini Bottom! (2011, TV)
- ^ Yongsan International School of Seoul on Facebook - "Thank you, Scott Mansz..."
- ^ File:Season8spongebobontour.jpeg
- ^ November 11. 2014 - Nickstory