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The Octobrush is a main weapon in the Splatoon series.

Classified as a brush, when is pressed, it flicks weak, short-ranged ink in front of the user, which can be done repeatedly at a fast rate to ink turf or splat opponents. If is held while moving, the user pushes the Octobrush along the ground, leaving a thin trail of ink as the user runs at a fast speed.

Compared to the Inkbrush, the Octobrush has a slightly wider ink trail when running and more range, damage, and painted turf with each swing than the Inkbrush at the cost of higher ink consumption and slower movement and swing speed.


The Octobrush's handle is dark brown varnished wood with an antique look, with a small octopus-shaped ink reservoir carved out of it. The wood is more smooth and varnished in Splatoon 3, prior to that it is rougher and darker. The ink reservoir has a tube that changes color to match the user's ink attached to its head, leading to the bristles. The way the handle is carved gives the appearance of the octopus holding the brush's handle, while the actual handle used by the wielder is attached underneath it, and has a gold cap. Like the Inkbrush, the Octobrush has an ink splotch on the end of its bristles that changes color to match the user's ink, and disappears while the wielder is out of ink. Unlike the Inkbrush, the Octobrush's bristles are white and arranged in a flat rectangular shape.


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Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Squid Beakon
Special Kraken
Special points
Special depletion Special gauge 40%
25 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
80 / 100
80 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 12
Cost Cash 8,500
Added in 18 July 2015
Base damage 37 (Splash)
25 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 3.2% (Splash)
0.18% per frame (Roll)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant Octobrush Nouveau Octobrush Nouveau

The Octobrush was released on 18 July 2015 at 02:00 UTC,[1] under the roller class. It comes in a set with Squid Beakons and the Kraken.

The Octobrush has a critical damage mechanic, allowing it to sometimes splat opponents in two hits.[2] The likelihood of this can be increased by using Damage Up.


  • The Octobrush is a middleweight weapon.
  • Ink consumption while rolling is 10.8% per second.
  • Ink consumption per attack is 3.2%.
    • This allows players to attack 31 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When attacking with a depleted ink tank, ink will not be flung until enough ink has recovered.
  • Rolling with a depleted ink tank will not leave a trail or damage opponents.
  • The Octobrush can be swung every 10 frames (6 swings per second).
  • When rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 1.68 units per frame.
  • When rolling on an uninkable surface or with a depleted ink tank, the player's movement speed is set to 0.96 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.5 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 25 damage.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 37.
    • This weapon has a critical damage mechanic, so the damage dealt with one swing may be higher than this value.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 50 units and stops losing damage at 150 units. The minimum damage is 18.5.
  • Ink globs travel straight for 7 frames.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.
  • When rolling, the Octobrush leaves an ink trail that is 18 units wide.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • When repeatedly using swinging attacks, ink will also be painted where you are standing.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Octobrush is a brush with denser bristles that fling even more ink with each swipe! Use that mobility to scatter Squid Beakons everywhere, giving your whole team free rein of the battlefield! No need to hesitate - you can always use the Kraken to run away in a pinch. Your team will love you!(NA)[a]

A heavier brush with fatter bristles. Uses a lot of ink but offers a wider ink trail and excellent mobility. Can be swung to fling large globs of ink.
— In-Game Description.
Need a brush that packs a powerful punch? The Octobrush is a brush with denser bristles that fling even more ink with each swipe! Use that mobility to scatter Squid Beakons everywhere, giving your whole team free rein of the battlefield! No need to hesitate—you can always use the Kraken to run away in a pinch. Your team will love you! Grab the Octobrush now!
  1. North America



Splatoon 2

Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Autobomb
Special Inkjet
Special points 170p
Special depletion
23 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
80 / 100
85 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 10
Cost Cash 8,200
Added in Initial Release (1.0.0)
Base damage 40 (Splash)
25 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 3.2% (Splash)
0.162% per frame (Roll)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants Octobrush Nouveau Octobrush Nouveau
Kensa Octobrush Kensa Octobrush
Herobrush Replica Herobrush Replica

The Octobrush returns in Splatoon 2 with Autobombs and the Inkjet. The Herobrush Replica has the same kit as the Octobrush.

The critical damage mechanic was removed in Splatoon 2, so it always takes three or more hits to splat an opponent.

It appears in seven Octo Expansion stations:


  • The Octobrush is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 105. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • Ink consumption per second while rolling is 9.72%.
  • The Octobrush can be swung every 10 frames (6 swings per second).
  • When rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 1.68 units per frame. Main Power Up increases rolling speed up to 1.8816 units per frame.
  • The Octobrush does not have a dash feature.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 25 damage.
  • When rolling, the Octobrush leaves an ink trail that is 18 units wide. Main Power Up increases ink trail width up to 28.8.

Flinging ink

  • The ink consumption of 3.2% allows players to attack 31 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 1.6%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 50% of the normal amount.
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.24 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.5 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 40.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 30 units and stops losing damage at 140 units. The minimum damage is 20.
  • In situations where ink falls down, the ink will lose damage as it falls. The minimum damage for falling ink is 10.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.


Version history

Version Adjustments
Base game
  • Base damage: 37.0 → 40.0.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 40%.
  • Reduced the interval between swinging the brush and holding to ink by 4/60th of a second.
  • Increased the effect of the Main Power Up gear ability.
  • The increase to movement speed while inking with the maximum number of Main Power Up gear abilities equipped has been raised from roughly 10% to roughly 12%.
  • The effect provided by Main Power Up is now more easily triggered, even with fewer instances of the gear ability equipped.
  • Main Power Up will also improve painting while rolling.
  • Salmon Run worker's Octobrush:
    • Increased the maximum damage done by flinging ink while swinging the brush by roughly 50%.
  • Reduced ink consumption when moving while holding down the Button by roughly 10%: 10.8% → 9.72% per second.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Octobrush is a brush with dense bristles that fling a thick stream of ink with each swipe! The Autobomb sub weapon allows you to sweep areas you can't see, allowing you to push forward with confidence! Faraway enemies aren't safe either with an Inkjet on your side. Easy to use, this brush set is great for brushing up on your skills!

Great for brusHing up your skills, the Octobrush is a brush with dense bristles that fling a thick stream of ink with each swipe. It comes equipped with the Autobomb sub and the Inkjet special to keep distant foes on their toes.



Splatoon 3



Basic information
Category Main
Class Brush
Sub Suction Bomb
Special Zipcaster
Special points 200p
Special depletion
23 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
80 / 100
85 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 4
Added in Drizzle Season 2022 (1.1.0)
Base damage 20-40 (Splash)
25 (Roll)
45-60 ( SRNW Splash)
40 ( SRNW Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants Octobrush Nouveau Octobrush Nouveau
Orderbrush Replica Orderbrush Replica

The Octobrush returns in Splatoon 3, now classified as a separate brush class. Its kit is Suction Bombs and the Zipcaster. Its wood is more saturated and slightly lighter, and with a new golden tip at the bottom of the brush.

It appears in four missions in Return of the Mammalians:


  • The Octobrush is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 10.5. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • Ink consumption per second while sliding is 9%.
  • While sliding, the player's movement speed is set to 0.168 units per frame.
  • After sliding, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while sliding deals 25 damage.
  • While sliding, the Octobrush leaves an ink trail that is 1.8 units wide.

Flinging ink

  • The ink consumption of 3% allows players to attack 33 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When attacking, it takes 1 frame to start swinging the brush.
  • The weapon can be swung every 10 frames (6 times per second).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.03 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.5 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 40.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 3.3 units and stops losing damage at 14.3 units. The minimum damage before time-based falloff is applied is 20.
  • If a glob of ink is in the air for more than 24 frames after being flung, it loses damage each frame until frame 45, at which point it will deal 50% of its original damage. Thus, the minimum damage that can be dealt per glob is is 10.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.


Version history

Version Adjustments
Base game
  • Salmon Run Next Wave:
    • Damage falloff now applies for targets from 3.3 to 14.3 units away. The damage at 14.3 units is 45.
  • Reduced the amount of ink consumed by swinging the brush by approximately 6%: 3.2% → 3%.
  • Reduced the amount of ink consumed when holding the Button to ink while moving forward by approximately 7%: 9.72% → 9% per second.
  • Damage dealt by ink from swinging the brush to Splash Wall increased by about 10%: 1.8x → 1.98x.
  • Slightly expanded the collision detection with players for the ink flung when swinging the brush to make it easier to hit opponents.
    • Main ink globs: 1.2 units → 1.3 units.
    • Smaller ink globs: 0.8 units → 0.9 units.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Octobrush has dense bristles that fling a thick stream of ink with each slash. It's a heavier entry in the brush weapon class, which is known for being light and nimble. But even with those heavy brush strokes, you won't be able to reach everywhere - and that's where the Suction Bombs come in. Lastly, if you're up against enemies with ranged weapons who just won't engage up close, you've got the Zipcaster in your back pocket. Zip on over and give 'em what for! This is a user-friendly loadout that's easy for beginner brushes but capable enough for true artistes!

The Octobrush is a work of art itself, crafted from the finest wood and fitted with bristles hand selected for massive ink retention. As you'd expect, it splashes hard and far but uses lots of ink with each stroke. Still, even as a scientist, I know a masterpiece when I see one.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[8]


Main article: Badge#Weapon Freshness badges

Reaching certain Freshness levels with the Octobrush will reward the player with special badges that they can use on their Splashtag.

Octobrush badges
4★ Octobrush User
5★ Octobrush User



For competitive tips about the Octobrush

Click to view the strategy for Octobrush. View the strategy page.



Octobrush is a combination of "octo (Latin for "eight"; likely referring the octopus-shaped ink reservoir) and brush.

Additionally, when taken alongside the name of its fellow brush-class weapon, the Inkbrush, it may be meant to reflect the name of Octolings.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ホクサイ
Netherlands Dutch Octokwast Octobrush
CanadaFrance French Épinceau brosse Thick Swordbrush[b]
Germany German Kalligraf Stub Nib Pen[c]
Italy Italian Tinturicchio A portmanteau of the words Tinta ("Ink") and Pinturicchio, an Italian painter
Russia Russian Арт-кисть
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Pincel caligrafía Calligraphy Brush
Spain Spanish (NOE) Brocha Wide Brush
China Chinese (Simplified) 北斋
běizhāi (Mandarin)
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 北齋
běizhāi (Mandarin)
South Korea Korean 호쿠사이
Same as Japanese name
 Internal Brush_Normal_00[9]

Translation notes

  1. A reference to Katsushika Hokusai, a famous Japanese Ukiyo-e artist.
  2. A Pinceau brosse is a large flat paintbrush.
  3. Kalligraf is a special blade-like brush used for calligraphy
