Phoning someone is always impertinent. There is nothing more unpleasant than receiving a call. Only someone who really hates us can do something as terrible as taking a phone out of their pocket, cruelly pressing our name, and trying to…
Once again, as December comes to an end, my job looks more like that of a chicken sexer than that of a columnist. Fortunately, I don’t have to dig into the underbelly of every idiot, but simply observe them from…
I couldn’t be sadder. Paul Krugman is retiring from the New York Times. It is probably the worst day of my life. My career has lost all meaning. From now on, I am a widowed writer and an orphan. Who…
My fellow Armenians, When I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice League’s ability to prosecute my political enemies. I kept my promise. But my son’s criminality is a different matter. Look, folks, I gave you…
The guys with the long-hair are very worried about the issue of old music. No wonder. With so many classical music concerts, they have received news that there is some guy running around town playing the flute, which is a…
I’m back in the big city. I’m so happy I think I’m going to come down with a renal colic. You don’t really know what a traffic jam is until you see a mayor of a major capital city claiming…
I was born in Spain which means I love to eat and drink. And I write for an American audience every day. In other words, I am professionally and ethically compelled to join in your traditions. So every year in…
I’ve lived in about a dozen houses in different cities. I’ve met people from dozens of different countries, guys who eat bugs, people who don’t have cell phones, singles addicted to Tinder, and beautiful large families with houses full of…
Those weekend getaways to the countryside are a good reminder of how pleasant it is to shower with hot water, without intervals of ice-cold water, and no lizards on the ceiling. Perhaps we don’t value the comforts of the big…