Jeremy Lott
This is the eulogy delivered at a Sunrise Baptist Church memorial service on January 25, two weeks after Debbie Lott’s passing. Barrels of ink have been spilled contemplating what it means to have a good death. According to almost every…
When my Dad met my Mom for the first time, he threw her straight into a lake without a single word. Debbie Bailey came up sputtering mad. “You jerk!” she called him, among other things. That is not what one…
Elon Musk’s trolling skills are without equal, but I didn’t think he’d ever make me cry. And yet, there I was not all that long ago, driving the roads of my Whatcom County, Washington, having a hard time of it…
I spoke with George Neumayr on the last day of last year. The call was cut short by an operator speaking French. I believe she was asking one of us to deposit more funds. Before that disruption, we did some…
President Trump has admitted “personnel” is a problem in his administration. But with his latest ambassadorial nomination to Afghanistan we can be fairly certain he has a nominee who doesn’t blow. Don’t take it from me. Read the man’s very…
My best guess for who Donald Trump will nominate to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court is Stephanie Dawkins Davis. She is a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan….
Mike Bloomberg once declared that he liked “theater, dining, and chasing women” and that being a “single, straight billionaire in Manhattan” in the 1990s was a “wet dream.” He located his business there, which meant that most of his employees…
How do you eat the mighty whale shark? The same way you eat the lowly dogfish: one bite at a time. Somebody should remind our elected representatives in Congress of this lesson. They are currently trying and failing to pass…
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has done plenty of dumb things during the COVID crisis, but one thing he got right. On March 23, when he was posting his “stay home” order to Twitter, he added an all-important caveat. “You can…