
Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records Episode 9 Impression


On this episode, Glenn figures out on what's going on and went to rescue the kidnapped girls. Meanwhile, the Researchers of Divine Wisdom starts their project.

Oh, all of a sudden, I don't think Re=L is a psycho anymore because they revealed her past which is an interesting story background. Also it was nice to see Glenn use more tactics when he battled. Other than that, I wonder when the Researchers of Divine Wisdom cult will get fully defeated. Now what's going to be the next plot and will the cult be involved again? Overall, interesting past details about Re=L and more cool magic action.

Conclusion: Interesting past details about Re=L and more cool magic action.
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この記事を書いた人: SparkNorkx
SparkNorkx is an anime blogger who loves to blog about anime, games and more since 2011. For Japanese language focused updates, feel free to follow on Twitter.


