
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita Episode 2 Impression


Okay, that was stinkin' hilarious! This is not really spoiler and you would have already expected something like that but who would have thought the evil skinned processed chickens would start an evil revolution to take over the world? The creators are just awesome so far. For this farm series, there's just a lot of comedy and it's not like we see a boring heroine just farming. Instead, we see our heroine solving mystery cases and problems with the Fairies besides being a farming theme.

I just don't really know how to say this but this waited series is very very promising, indeed. So it will be definitely on my watch list and Marvelous Entertainment is doing a nice job running their anime project so far. But, is this series connected to the Harvest Moon universe? Probably not... In conclusion, sweet episode solving the mysterious factory created by the Fairies.

Conclusion: Nice hilarious episode of the factory.

Personal Note: Don't forget to look for another funny scene after the credits that's connected with the plot.
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この記事を書いた人: SparkNorkx
SparkNorkx is an anime blogger who loves to blog about anime, games and more since 2011. For Japanese language focused updates, feel free to follow on Twitter.


