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Image and Video sizes
for Social Media.

Templates for Sketch, Figma, XD, Photoshop & Illustrator.

Last updateDec 26, 2022

Everything from all networks in one file.

What if a size changes?

Last updateMar. 18, 2020

Download all the sizes for facebook in one template.

What if a size changes?

News Feed


1200 x 1200

You can also use 1080px by 1350px if you want it bigger in the feed.


1200 x 1200

You can also use 1080px by 1350px if you want it bigger in the feed.



1080 x 1920


1080 x 1920

Profile Picture


720 x 720

Min. 180 x 180 pixels

Cover Photo


820 x 312

Phones display cover photos in: 640 x 360 pixels


820 x 312

Duration: Min. 20 seconds, Max. 90 seconds

Event Photo


1336 x 700

Facebook is currently rolling out a new design. The old event photo size is 1000x524.

Group Photo


640 x 334

The image will be cut slightly in the top and bottom on desktop.

Open Graph (og:image)


1200 x 630

Open Graph Image (og:image). The size of the image file must not exceed 8 MB.

<meta property="og:image" content="https://socialsizes.io/socialsizes-big.png" />

Last updateSep. 10, 2020

Download all the sizes for instagram in one template.

What if a size changes?



1200 x 1200

You can also use 1080px by 1350px if you want it bigger in the feed - but it will be cropped on your profile page. Min. 640 x 640 pixels.


1200 x 1200

You can also use 1080px by 1350px if you want it bigger in the feed - but it will be cropped on your profile page. Min. 640 x 640 pixels.



1080 x 1920

Max. Duration: 7 seconds


1080 x 1920

Max. Duration: 15 seconds

Profile Picture


720 x 720

Min. 160 x 160 pixels



1080 x 1920

Reels show up as 4:5 in the feed when people are scrolling so keep this in mind when you’re creating them.

Last updateMay 18, 2020

Download all the sizes for linkedIn in one template.

What if a size changes?



1200 x 1200

Min. 640 x 640 pixels


1200 x 1200

Min. 640 x 640 pixels

Profile Picture


640 x 640

Cover Photo (Business)


1128 x 191

Cover Photo (Personal)


792 x 198

Will be cropped slightly in top and bottom on mobile



1080 x 1920


1080 x 1920

Last updateNov. 20, 2020

Download all the sizes for x in one template.

What if a size changes?



1040 x 584

Min. 520 x 292 pixels


1044 x 588

Min. 522 x 294 pixels

Profile Picture


720 x 720

Cover Photo


1200 x 400

Min. 600 x 200

Open Graph (og:image)


1200 x 630

Open Graph Image (og:image). Images must be less than 5MB in size. JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF formats are supported.

<meta property="og:image" content="https://socialsizes.io/socialsizes-big.png" />

Last updateFeb. 1, 2019

Download all the sizes for snapchat in one template.

What if a size changes?



1080 x 1920


1080 x 1920

Last updateNov. 20, 2020

Download all the sizes for youTube in one template.

What if a size changes?

Profile Picture


800 x 800

Must be at least 98 x 98 pixels and 4MB or less. Use a PNG or GIF (no animations) file.

Cover Photo


2048 x 1152

6MB or less

Video Thumbnail


1280 x 720

Video Watermark


150 x 150

Use a PNG, GIF (no animations), BMP, or JPEG file that’s 1MB or less.

Last updateFeb. 1, 2019

Download all the sizes for pinterest in one template.

What if a size changes?

Profile Picture


720 x 720

Square pin


600 x 600

Short pin


600 x 900

Medium pin


600 x 1260

Long pin


600 x 1560

Last updateFeb. 5, 2019

Download all the sizes for twitch in one template.

What if a size changes?

Profile Avatar


720 x 720

Cover Photo


1200 x 480


1920 x 1080

Info Panels


320 x 200

Last updateMay 2, 2019

Download all the sizes for whatsapp in one template.

What if a size changes?

Profile Picture


192 x 192

Last updateMay. 2, 2019

Download all the sizes for appStore in one template.

What if a size changes?

iPhone 5.5"


1242 x 2208

iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone 8 and below

iPhone 6.5"


1242 x 2688

iPhone XS Max

Last updateJul. 9, 2021

Download all the sizes for tikTok in one template.

What if a size changes?



1080 x 1920


1080 x 1920

Max. length 60 seconds

Profile Picture


720 x 720

Profile photos will not be visible on your profile once a profile video is set. Photos must be at least 20x20 pixels to upload.

Last updateMar. 7, 2020

Download all the sizes for productHunt in one template.

What if a size changes?



240 x 240

JPG, PNG, GIF. Max size: 2MB


1270 x 760

Max. 4 images can be uploaded.

Last updateDec 26, 2022

Download all the sizes for behance in one template.

What if a size changes?



2800 x 10000

You can make the height as big as you want, but the width must be 2800 pixels. JPG (Recommended) or PNG. Padding is added to the left and right of these images to make projects look consistent in Project View. Max. 50 mb in size. Recommended is lower than 10 mb. Use RGB colors.

Project Cover Image


808 x 632

JPG or PNG. Your Cover Image will display at 202x158 px, but you must upload an image that is at least 808x632px. This is so that your Cover Image will look great on retina display screens.

Profile Picture


1080 x 1080

JPG or PNG. Your profile image will be display at 202×158 px.


3200 x 410


Last updateMar. 13, 2020

Download all the sizes for PlayStore in one template.

What if a size changes?

High-res Icon


512 x 512

32-bit PNG (with alpha). Maximum file size: 1 mb

Feature Graphic


1024 x 500

JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). Don't include any copy or important visual information near the borders of the asset - specifically near the bottom third of the frame. If adding text, use large font sizes. Your graphic may be displayed alone without the app icon.

Screenshots 5"


1080 x 1920

Pixel 3 and similar. JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha).

Screenshots 6"


1440 x 2880

Pixel 3 XL and similar. JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha).

Social Media Sizes

Social Media Sizes

SocialSizes is the quickest way to find the correct sizes for the most popular social networks in the world. The site offers free templates to download for the most popular design tools including Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD and Adobe Photoshop.

One of the best features of SocialSizes is that you can get notified when any social media size change. All you have to do is sign up for updates using the form in the top of the page or when you download a template. If you have subscribed, an update will be sent out as soon as we hear about a change or when a new format is added to a platform. Don't worry, sizes don't change that often but it's still nice to not waste time designing for old sizes.

Social Media Sizes for Facebook, LinkedIn and many more

Googling to find the right Social Media Sizes can be a pain. Often you'll have to scroll through huge blog posts to find what your actually looking for. That's what this page is trying to solve. It can literally take ages to find the dimensions you need we you end up on one of these text heavy pages. We believe it should be easy and fast.

If you run in to any problems or a size that doesn't match. Please don't hesitate to contact me. I try my best to keep this site up-to-date but as I only use my spare time, it's hard to catch all changes and errors when they happen. Anyway best of luck with using the site. If you have any ideas or changes you'll like to see me make. Feel free to contact me. We have Social Media Sizes for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and many more.

Social Media Sizes featured on the dribbble design blog

In August I saw a huge spike in visitors when the dribbble design blog posted about the site. The writer of the guest blog post, designer Vera Vashkovska, wrote:

"A large percentage of my work consists of creating images for social media, targeted ads, and designing social media pages. For designers with the same focus, I suggest using SocialSizes — a fantastic tool that allows checking up-to-date sizes for all social media. Here, designers can see image dimensions for different types of posts, promotions, and banners."

It's really awesome to see more and more designers and social media managers use this site in their daily work. Thanks a bunch to Vera for boosting the site and telling people about this design resource.

Social Media Sizes for Photoshop

On socialsizes you'll find the perfect templates to use for Photoshop. We have all the most popular social networks listed. Just pick a network and select what template you want to download. Photoshop is one of the most popular templates.

Remember to use the latest version of Photoshop when you are working with social media sizes. Photoshop is updated quite often and some templates may not be able to work with older versions.

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