20 Excellent Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals
Photography is one of my favorite topics. It is a profession and a hobby but really an expansive topic that covers an extraordinarily vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. These are less in numbers but when you explored them in details, you will learn and a lot of new ideas about capturing photography techniques. Online classes in photography are available if you want to explore and learn more about different photography techniques.
A Fundamental Introduction to Studio Lighting Equipment
In this tutorial and learn about the different types of basic lighting equipment that will help when shopping for new gear.
Getting to Know Your Flash
In this handing guide on how to use a camera flash effectively to take better pictures.
Everything to know to get you started with Macro photography
You will learn in this article about macro photography, sometimes called micro photography; an area of photography dedicated to capturing small subjects, or small parts of subjects, at extreme blown up magnifications up to life size or larger.
An Introduction to Indoor and Studio Flash Photography
In this tutorial, you’ll learn about one of the most important aspects of photography – lighting. You’ll begin with a background as to why lighting is so important, discuss the traditional three-light setup, and then move on to illustrate a number of different lighting techniques (and the associated results)!
Understanding & Using Ansel Adam’s Zone System
This article explains the Zone System, created by Ansel Adams, that can help you take better photos.
Creating Focus on the Photo
In this tutorial I will show you how to create the focus on individual items on a photo. Usually, this effect can be done with a photo camera. But what if the focus needs to be done already on the finished photo?
Professional Lighting in Model Photography
This case study shows how lighting was manipulated to create the perfect environment for a fashion photoshoot.
Correcting and Preventing Chromatic Aberration
This article explains what causes Chromatic Aberration in Photography, how to prevent it, and how to fix it in Photoshop.
How to Photograph and Create the Perfect Christmas Card
Check out these outstanding tips for creating an outstanding Christmas/Holiday card to send to your family and friends. The tips inside may help you sell your photography services a bit more this holiday season.
Your Rights as a Photographer
Don’t find yourself in a situation where you could face legal action. Understand your rights, and your responsibilities as a photographer, as well as the importance of Model Releases.
Wildlife Photography Tips: Take Better Wildlife Photos
This post describes some basic tips to improve the quality of wildlife photography. Anyone interested in capturing more compelling images of animals will find it useful in furthering the development of their skills.
Crop Factor (Focal Length Multiplier)
Running into problems when taking photographs over, and over again? Here’s a handy guide that will help you troubleshoot your problems, and improve your shots all at once!
Homemade Light Box for Product Photography
“The following article describes the process for making your own lightbox for small object photography. From start to finish this project should take no longer than 30 minutes.”
DIY Light Reflector
“You don’t need tons of cash to own effective lighting tools — often you can make them yourself.”
Reversing Lenses for Macro Photography
If you have a telephoto lens and an old 50mm lying around you might want to give this a shot. It’s not too difficult of a procedure and probably won’t take 2 minutes to read through this. All you’ll need is a reverse ring (coupler), a step up ring, and a small piece of cardboard or folded paper.
DIY – High Speed Photography at Home
You can use this technique to take picture of exploding things like tomatoes, water balloons, watermelons, or even your Canon camera as you smash it against a wall for not understanding the menus.
Underwater macro photography – taking great photos
You must be able to evaluate the potential of a subject. Some subjects you will want to pass over because there is no chance of a good moment or presentation. This is something that comes with experience.
Missing Pages: Aperture and Shutter Priority
Shutter Priority is an auto exposure system in which the camera achieves correct exposure by selecting the aperture after the user has selected the shutter speed.
Four Facts About High ISOs
What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings.
Film Vs. Digital
A look at some of the differences between shooting in Ansel Adams’ era versus today.
How to Create Sunshine Effect in Studio with Artificial Sunlight
In this tutorial video we’ll give you tips on how to cheat Mother Nature and show you How to Create Your Own Sunshine in the Studio.
Thank you for this great list. Home photography has never been more accessible thanks to the Internet and resources like this!!
Fantastic tutorials,thankyou!
Great set of tutorials, I was looking for macro underwater photography and found many others I might use in the post-processing my images.
THANK YOU FOR THIS… I feel like I just found a gold mine being that I’ve tyring to learn photography