Best way or tools to customize bootstrap

Bootstrap has become such a popular frontend framework that a lot of developers are using it to cut down their coding time. Despite how good Bootstrap is, there is always the need to customize it due to client requirements or your own desire to be distinct. Regardless of your reason for the customization, the normal way of doing it is to alter the code line by line. This is time consuming and tedious. Fortunately, there are tools built to help developers achieve a faster rate of customization. I am going to highlight some of them today. Most are free to use or are relatively affordable. If you have more ideas, please leave a comment.


#1: Strapfork

Best way to customize bootstrap 1

Strapfork is a very cool visual editor which can help you to customize your bootstrap code. What the developer has done is to write all the necessary variables as variables.less so that it becomes more easier to overlap on existing themes. It is cool tool that is free to use currently.


#2: Divshot

best bootstrap design tool 3

I have covered this tool before in my article on best bootstrap design tools. It comes with a visual editor and components for fast bootstrap customization. Unfortunately, it is not a free tool so you have to weigh its price vs the benefits it can bring.


 #3: Bootstrap Live Editor

Best way to customize bootstrap 2

The Bootstrap live editor is a web based visual editor for editing Bootstrap content or snippets. Again, it is free to use although its feature set is not as strong as the paid ones.


#4: Bootsnipp

Best way to customize bootstrap 3

Bootsnipp is a nice collection of free code snippnets for anyone to easily reuse in their customization work. All the codes are free to download so it is a nice resource that any Bootstrap developer should be aware of.


#5: Pinegrow

Best way to customize bootstrap 4

Although pinegrow is an paid application, I like the fact that it is a one time payment with no monthly fees. Unlike other editors, this is a downloadable version that runs on your computer, rather than on the web.  To me, the pricing feels affordable especially when there is no monthly commitment.


#6: Pingendo

Best way to customize bootstrap 5

Pingendo is also another desktop application that needs to be downloaded. Its best feature: free to use! Yes, it is a free downloadable application that has extensive features that makes customizing bootstrap a lot whole easier.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Patrick says:

    This article is terrible grammatically, for real…but the content is great. I love smashing hub and the information you provide on my way home from work, but this article is a complete s#%*¥ show to read. EDITORS NEEDED!

    • Ali Qayyum says:

      Thanks Patrick for the comment. I am not a Naive english speaker although that is no excuse.
      I have went through the article again and have corrected some of the mistakes. Hopefully it is more readable now.

  2. Ademarliany Rotinsulu says:

    i have excellent experience with “Bootsnipp” and recommend to my all designer friend who would like to step forward toward better customization.