SlugTerra Wiki
The SlugTerra Wiki is a collaborative database for all things SlugTerra. This wiki is still growing, so join in on creating and editing articles.
Please Note: This wiki may contain spoilers, so caution is advised.
There currently are 834 pages on this wiki.

So What's Next
Lastest Episode
Join the Shadow Wars Now!

So What's Next

Season 4 is Here!

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Lastest Episode

Episode 63 (S4, E04) - Ghouls and Monsters

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Join the Shadow Wars Now!

GREAT NEWS! You could now go "into the shadows" with the newest Slugterra game.

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So What's Next
Lastest Episode
Join the Shadow Wars Now!

Did You Know...
  • ...that Molenoids have 2 brains, they hear using their noses and their hearts are in their rears?
  • ...that Cave Trolls are the best engineers?
  • ...that asides from the Air Elemental, Hoverbugs are the only other species that can fly while in protoform?
  • ...that Dark Water has paranormal properties?
  • ...that in SlugTerra they don't have Halloween, high fives or Christmas?
  • ...that Healer slugs are one of the rarest kinds of slugs?
  • ...that Eli's Defender Slipstream XVL was one of two models built.
  • ...that the Gazzers, Sand Anglers, Slyrens, Lariats, Makobreakers, Lavalynxes, Speedstingers, Hexlets, Forgesmelters, Enigmos and Flopper slugs are some of the only slugs that have not been seen ghouled yet?
  • ...that the Ultra Rare Enigmo slug from "Endangered Species" can be first seen in "The Trade"?
  • ...that Burpy was formerly apart of Dr. Blakk's Arsenal?
  • ...that Ice Ogres can grow in size whenever they get angry, and that Slyren slugs are the only ones that can stop them?
  • ...that the only people to ever do a fusion shot are Eli Shane and Master Shanai?
  • ...that the Cavern of Time still has Dinosaurs?
  • ...that the light generated in Slugterra comes from Lumino Ore?
  • ...that there are two types of Boon Docs a common, green ones and rare, white ones?
  • ...that there is one Infurnus in every Set of Caverns wielded by the protector of those Caverns?
  • ...that the Shane Gang has had added a 5th member to the group 3 times?
  • ...that Doc is the Energy Elemental Slug?
  • ...that Shorty and Glasses (the two other members of The Hooligang) spoke for the first time in "Slug Fu Showdown"?
  • ...that Pronto has currently lost his pants for a total of 3 times in the series?
  • ...that The Eastern Caverns have never seen molenoids before?
  • ...that Junjie is 20 years older than he looks?
  • ...that The Goon was formerly a Guardian Boon Doc?
  • ...that Junjie's ancestry comes from the Surface (China)?
Helping Out
  • To add more Did You Know, click here.
  • To write a new article, just enter the title in the box below.
News and Announcements

Past Announcements

  1. Slugterra: Into the Shadows aired in Canadian cinemas on August 6th & 7th 2016.
  2. Season Four makes its TV premiere Tuesday, October 4th on Family CHRGD in Canada.
Newest Episode
The Return of the Eastern Champion:
Junjie, Eli and the Gang rally their friends in the Eastern Caverns—and even some of their old enemies—to help them take down the Emperor and all of his Unstoppable Warriors once and for all!
Featured Picture
Slugterra (Season 3) - Shane Gang
Featured Character
Tad & Pieper

Tad is a new character introduced in Slugterra: Into the Shadows who is from The Surface. Read more...)

Featured Page
Featured Episode
