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veliki skovik, Otus scops
Znanstvena klasifikacija
Animalia (živali)
Chordata (strunarji)
Aves (ptiči)
Strigidae (prave sove)

Pennant, 1769

Približno 45, glej besedilo.


Scops Savigny, 1809
Scopus Oken 1817

Otus je rod sov, ki pripadajo družini pravih sov (Strigidae). Znanih je približno 45 vrst, med katerimi je najbolj znan veliki skovik. Občasno prepoznavajo nove primerke, vsakih nekaj let, še posebej v Indoneziji, pa še vedno odkrivajo še neznane vrste.


[uredi | uredi kodo]
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  • Ehrlich, Paul R.; Dobkin, David S. & Wheye, Darryle (1988): The Birder's Handbook. A Field Guide to the Natural History of North American Birds.
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  • Heidrich, Petra; König, Claus & Wink, Michael (1995): Molecular phylogeny of the South American Otus atricapillus complex (Aves Strigidae) inferred from nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 50(3-4): 294-302. PDF fulltext
  • Johnson, David (2003): The owl pages: Owls in the Fossil Record. Version of 2003-JUL-14. Retrieved 2008-JAN-10.
  • Marshall, Joe T. & King, Ben (1988): Genus Otus. In: Amadon, Dean & Bull, J: Hawks and owls of the world: A distributional and taxonomic list. Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 3: 296–357.
  • Mlíkovský, Jirí (2002): Cenozoic Birds of the World, Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press, Prague. ISBN 80-901105-3-8 PDF fulltext Arhivirano 2011-05-20 na Wayback Machine. Arhivirano 2011-05-20 na Wayback Machine.
  • South American Classification Committee (SACC) (2003): Proposal (#58): Elevate subgenus Megascops (New World Otus) to full generic status. Retrieved 2008-JAN-10.
  • Wink, Michael & Heidrich, Petra (1999): Molecular evolution and systematics of owls (Strigiformes). In: König, Claus; Weick, F. & Becking, J.H. (eds.): Owls: A guide to the owls of the world: 39-57. Yale University Press, New Haven. ISBN 0300079206 PDF fulltext