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Nemška okupacija Kanalskih otokov

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Kot del Atlantske obrambe so med letoma 1940 in 1945 okupacijske nemške sile in organizacija Todt zgradile utrdbe okoli obal okupiranih Kanalskih otokov, kot je ta opazovalni stolp pri Battery Moltke.

Vojaška okupacija Kanalskih otokov s strani nacistične Nemčije je trajala večji del druge svetovne vojne, od 30. junija 1940 do osvoboditve 9. maja 1945. Bailiwick of Jersey in Bailiwick of Guernsey sta otoški državi in kronski odvisnosti blizu obale Normandije, obe otoški državi pa je zasedla Nemčija.[1] Kanalski otoki so bili edini uradni del ozemlja Združenega kraljestva, ki ga je med vojno okupirala nacistična Nemčija. Vendar sta nemški zaveznici, fašistična Italija in Japonska, okupirali tudi ozemlja v Afriki in Aziji.  

Alderney je še vedno obdan z nemškimi utrdbami, ki so bile zgrajene za prisilno delo v taboriščih.

V pričakovanju hitre zmage nad Veliko Britanijo so okupacijske nemške sile sprva izvajale razmeroma zmeren pristop do nejudovskega prebivalstva, pri čemer so jih podpirali lokalni kolaboranti.[2] Sčasoma pa so se razmere slabšale, kar je privedlo do množičnih deportacij in prisilnega dela, vse to pa se je pozimi 1944 končalo s skorajšnjim stradanjem tako za okupirane prebivalce kot tudi za okupatorje.[3]

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  1. Drawmer, Gwen. My Memories of the German Occupation of Sark, 1940–1945. Studio House, 2001.
  2. Heathcote, Graham (10. maj 1995). »Quiet Occupation by German Troops on Britain's Channel Islands«. Associated Press. Pridobljeno 7. februarja 2021.{{navedi novice}}: Vzdrževanje CS1: url-status (povezava)
  3. Meddick, Simon; Payne, Liz; Katz, Phil (2020). Red Lives: Communists and the Struggle for Socialism. UK: Manifesto Press Cooperative Limited. str. 124. ISBN 978-1-907464-45-4.


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  • Bell, William M. (2002), Guernsey Occupied But Never Conquered, The Studio Publishing Services, ISBN 978-0952047933
  • Bunting, Madeleine (1995), The Model Occupation: The Channel Islands under German Rule, 1940–1945, London: Harper Collins, ISBN 0-00-255242-6
  • Carr, Gillian; Sanders, Paul; Willmot, Louise (2014). Protest, Defiance and Resistance in the Channel Islands: German Occupation, 1940–45. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN 147250920X
  • Cruickshank, Charles G. (1975), The German Occupation of the Channel Islands, The Guernsey Press, ISBN 0-902550-02-0
  • Dunford-Slater, John (1953). Commando: Memoirs of a Fighting Commando in World War Two. Reprinted 2002 by Greenhill Books. ISBN 1-85367-479-6
  • Edwards, G. B. (1981), "The Book of Ebenezer le Page" (New York Review of Books Classics; 2006).
  • Evans, Alice Alice, (2009), Guernsey Under Occupation: The Second World War Diaries of Violet Carey, The History Press, ISBN 978-1-86077-581-9
  • Hamlin, John F. "No 'Safe Haven': Military Aviation in the Channel Islands 1939–1945" Air Enthusiast, No. 83, September/October 1999, pp. 6–15 ISSN 0143-5450
  • Hayes, John Crossley, teacher in charge of Vauvert school (1940–1945) and composer of Suite Guernesiaise, premiered in Guernsey October 2009. Documents of life in war time Guernsey at https://web.archive.org/web/20111120142147/http://www.johncrossleyhayes.co.uk/.
  • Lewis, John (1983), A Doctor's Occupation, New English Library Ltd; New edition (July 1, 1983), ISBN 978-0450056765
  • Maughan, Reginald C. F. (1980), Jersey under the Jackboot, London: New English Library, ISBN 0-450-04714-8
  • Money, June, (2011) Aspects of War, Channel Island Publishing, ISBN 978-1-905095-36-0
  • Nettles, John (2012), Jewels & Jackboots, Channel Island Publishing & Jersey War Tunnels, ISBN 978-1-905095-38-4
  • Pether, John (1998), The Post Office at War and Fenny Stratford Repeater Station, Bletchley Park Trust Reports, 12, Bletchley Park Trust
  • Read, Brian A. (1995), No Cause for Panic: Channel Islands Refugees 1940–45, St Helier: Seaflower Books, ISBN 0-948578-69-6
  • Sanders, Paul (2005), "The British Channel Islands under German Occupation 1940–1945", Jersey Heritage Trust / Société Jersiaise, ISBN 0953885836
  • Shaffer, Mary Ann, and Barrows, Annie (2008), The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, ISBN 978-0-385-34099-1
  • Tabb, Peter A Peculiar Occupation, Ian Allan Publishing, ISBN 978-0-7110-3113-5
  • Winterflood, Herbert (2002), Occupied Guernsey: July 1940–December 1942, Guernsey Press, ISBN 978-0-9539166-6-5
  • Winterflood, Herbert (2005), Occupied Guernsey 1943–1945, MSP Channel Islands, ISBN 978-0-9539116-7-7