When you visit a website, a cookie is sent to your browser from two sources: one is the source code of the website itself. The website usually places cookies as a necessary or security-enhancing feature. The other source is external services (e.g., Facebook button, Google Analytics).<\/p>","link":{"text":"more about cookies","url":"\/data protection"}},"cookieTypes":[{"title":"Preferences","description":"
These cookies allow to remember user preferences and settings.<\/p>\r\n
To enhance the user experience on our website, we conduct measurements and collect anonymous data. For this task, we utilize external services that are widely accepted in the market. These services may set cookies, over which we have no control. Further information can be found on the respective service's informational page:<\/p>\r\n
Services used for our website's online marketing activities may utilize cookies that enable tracking the success of advertisements and achieving more precise targeting for subsequent ads. These services include:<\/p>\r\n