Kelsey Allen
Simulation from states and sensors
Abstract: “Intuitive physics”, or the ability to imagine how the future of physical systems will unfold, is a hallmark of human intelligence. This capacity supports many complex behaviors in humans including planning, problem-solving, and tool creation. In this talk, I will describe some of our work aiming to learn physical simulators from data in order to support these downstream behaviors. The first half of the talk will focus on what we can learn from state-based data. I will present new types of graph neural networks for learning realistic rigid body simulation by taking inspiration from classic approaches in graphics. I will show that these learned simulators can capture rigid body dynamics with unprecedented accuracy, including modeling real world dynamics significantly better than system identification with analytic simulators from robotics. The second half of the talk will focus on what we can learn from sensor data. I will present Visual Particle Dynamics, a method which connects neural radiance fields with graph neural networks to enable learning directly from RGB-D data. Unlike existing 2D video prediction models, we show that VPD's 3D structure enables scene editing and long-term predictions. I will conclude by highlighting open challenges for future work.
Bio: Kelsey is currently a Senior Research Scientist at DeepMind, and starting as an Assistant Professor at UBC / Vector in January 2025. She received her PhD from MIT in the Computational Cognitive Science group. Her work has received awards including the international Glushko prize for best dissertation in cognitive science, a best paper award from Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), and an NSERC PhD fellowship. Spanning robotics, machine learning, and cognitive science, her work aims to elucidate the mechanisms that give rise to adaptive and efficient learning, especially in the domain of physical problem-solving.
Web: https://k-r-allen.github.io/
Eric Heiden
Building High-Performance Differentiable Simulators in Warp
Abstract: Differentiable simulators offer efficient gradient access, facilitating advancements in control optimization, system identification, and numerous other applications. However, developing these simulators is challenging, often requiring significant effort to achieve efficient hardware acceleration on modern GPUs, maintain readability and ease of maintenance in code, and implement optimal gradient computations for the simulation routines.
In this talk, I will introduce Warp, a Python framework engineered for high-performance GPU simulation and graphics, designed specifically to address these challenges. Warp offers an extensive library of built-in functions and data structures tailored for spatial computing and simulation. Its support for automatic differentiation, leveraging code generation, enables streamlined high-performance gradient computation for differentiable simulations and beyond. Warp kernels are translated to CUDA for hardware acceleration, granting users fine-grained control over memory allocation and kernel launches. This architecture gives Warp a notable performance advantage over comparable frameworks. I will conclude by showcasing applications where Warp has been effectively utilized in differentiable simulation tasks.
Web: https://eric-heiden.com/
Yunzhu Li
Learning Structured World Models From and For Physical Interactions
Abstract: Humans possess a strong intuitive understanding of the physical world. Through observations and interactions with our environment, we build mental models that predict how the world changes when we apply specific actions (i.e., intuitive physics). My research builds on these insights to develop model-based reinforcement learning (RL) agents that, through interaction, construct neural-network-based predictive models capable of generalizing across a range of objects made from diverse materials. The core idea behind my work is to introduce novel representations and integrate structural priors into learning systems to model dynamics at various levels of abstraction. I will discuss how such structures enhance model-based planning algorithms, enabling robots to accomplish complex manipulation tasks (e.g., manipulating object piles, shaping deformable foam to match target configurations, and crafting dumplings from dough using various tools). Furthermore, I will present our recent progress in combining neural dynamics models with a GPU-accelerated branch-and-bound framework, enabling more effective long-horizon trajectory optimization in challenging, contact-rich manipulation tasks, such as non-prehensile planar pushing with obstacles, object sorting, and rope routing, both in simulation and real-world scenarios.
Bio: Yunzhu Li is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. Before joining Columbia, he was an Assistant Professor at UIUC CS and spent time as a Postdoc at Stanford, collaborating with Fei-Fei Li and Jiajun Wu. Yunzhu earned his PhD from MIT under the guidance of Antonio Torralba and Russ Tedrake. His work lies at the intersection of robotics, computer vision, and machine learning, with the goal of helping robots perceive and interact with the physical world as dexterously and effectively as humans do. Yunzhu’s work has been recognized with the Best Paper Award at ICRA, the Best Systems Paper Award, and as a Finalist for the Best Paper Award at CoRL. Yunzhu is also the recipient of the Sony Faculty Innovation Award, the Adobe Research Fellowship, and was selected as the First Place Recipient of the Ernst A. Guillemin Master’s Thesis Award in AI and Decision Making at MIT. His research has been published in top journals and conferences, including Nature, Science, RSS, NeurIPS, and CVPR, and featured by major media outlets, including CNN, BBC, and The Wall Street Journal. His research is supported by NSF, DARPA, Amazon, Google, Sony, and Toyota.
Web: https://yunzhuli.github.io/
Hae-Won Park
Contact-Implicit Model Predictive Control on Legged Robots
Abstract: Legged robots are inherently modeled as systems with impacts, and traditional model predictive control (MPC) algorithms typically separate the generation of torque inputs from the generation of contact sequences in their optimization formulation. Despite recent advancements in MPC for legged robots that incorporate contact sequences in the optimization, only a few algorithms have demonstrated the computational efficiency needed to operate under real-time constraints, and even fewer have actually been implemented on real hardware systems. In this presentation, I will introduce our new contact-implicit model predictive control for legged robots, which has been implemented and experimentally verified on real robot hardware. Our MPC framework enables real-time discovery of multi-contact motions without predefined contact mode sequences or foothold positions. The core idea behind the framework is an analytical gradient that incorporates impulses due to a hard contact model and relaxed complementarity constraints to explore a variety of contact modes. This approach is employed in the multiple shooting variant of Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP). The efficacy of the proposed framework is validated through simulations and real-world demonstrations using a 45 kg HOUND quadruped robot, performing various tasks in simulation and showcasing actual experiments involving forward trotting and front-leg rearing motions.
Bio: Prof. Hae-Won Park is the director of the Humanoid Robot Research Center and an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST. He received his B.S. and M.S. from Yonsei University and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Before joining KAIST, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a postdoctoral researcher at MIT. His research focuses on learning, model-based control, and robotic design, especially in legged and bio-inspired robots. Prof. Park has received several prestigious awards, including the NSF CAREER Award and the RSS Early-Career Spotlight Award, and serves on editorial boards for top robotics journals and conferences such as IJRR and IEEE ICRA.
Web: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=q7v_ewQAAAAJ&hl=en
Felix Petersen
Differentiable Logic Gate Networks & Reinforcement Learning
Abstract: Differentiable logic gate networks relax logical circuits, making them trainable, and thus usable as machine learning models, enabling state-of-the-art efficiency for hardened machine learning models.
After covering differentiable LGNs in general for machine learning and vision applications, we will bridge the gap to reinforcement learning, where I will also be presenting new results, achieving nanosecond latencies for reinforcement learning agents.
Bio: Dr. Felix Petersen is a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University; he primarily researches differentiable relaxations in machine learning, with applications to extremely efficient inference and weakly-supervised learning. He runs the Differentiable Almost Everything workshop, and has previously worked at the University of Konstanz, TAU, DESY, PSI, and CERN.
Web: https://petersen.ai/
Lin Shao
Large-Scale Manipulation Data Acquisition through Differentiable Simulation and Rendering
Abstract: To substantially advance robot intelligence, a significant effort is needed to collect large-scale manipulation data. I will introduce three differentiable simulations we have developed—Jade, DiffclothAI, and Softmac—which are tailored for articulated, 2D deformable, and 3D deformable objects, respectively. These differentiable simulations support intersection-free contact modeling and coupling.
Following this, I will discuss leveraging these differentiable simulations, combined with differentiable rendering, to extract manipulation data directly from videos. I will highlight two key projects: the first demonstrates using differentiable simulation and rendering to estimate object shapes, meshes, and poses in a self-supervised manner from video. I will then introduce TieBot, our latest work that extends this framework to teach robots to knot a tie from video demonstrations. Additionally, I will cover our recent efforts to streamline annotation processing, making it more time-efficient. I will conclude by outlining future research directions to further enhance robot learning and manipulation capabilities.
Bio: Lin Shao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS). His research interests lie at the intersection of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. His long-term goal is to build general-purpose robotic systems that intelligently perform a diverse range of tasks in a large variety of environments in the physical world. His lab focuses on developing algorithms and systems that equip robots with robust perception and manipulation capabilities. He serves as the co-chair of the Technical Committee on Robot Learning in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and an Associate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and for ICRA in 2024 and 2025. His work received the Best System Paper Award finalist at RSS 2023. Previously, he received his PhD at Stanford University, advised by Jeannette Bohg.
Web: https://linsats.github.io/
Yuval Tassa
Finite differencing is all you need: lessons and insights
Abstract: coming soon
Web: https://www.cs.washington.edu/people/postdocs/tassa
Emo Todorov
Leveraging the internals of MuJoCo physics to improve model-based control
Abstract: Much progress has been made by using physics simulators as black boxes, and optimizing controllers via model-free sampling. Such methods are difficult to apply directly to physical systems and work better when a simulation model is available - which blurs the meaning of "model-free". It also begs the question, why not utilize the simulator more fully, beyond the black-box approach advocated in Reinforcement Learning? In this talk I will describe progress towards a new software framework called Optico, which leverages unique aspects of MuJoCo physics for the purpose of model-based optimization. MuJoCo already relies on (convex) optimization to compute constraint forces and advance the simulation state. This creates opportunities to blend optimization-for-physics and optimization-for-control, in ways that have no analog in the black-box approach. Access to various analytical derivatives is essential for these developments. The resulting low-level solvers are meant to improve "control learnability", and can be applied in the context of both sampling and derivative-based learning methods. They are also fast enough for model-predictive control.
Web: https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~todorov/