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List of Crayola crayon colors

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Here are the 134 standard Crayola crayon colors. According to its chronology page, Crayola considers each "core color" to have been introduced in a specific year. These dates are reflected in the table below. The hex triplets below are representative of the colors produced by the named crayons.[1]

Color Hex Code RGB Pack added Issued Retired Sp Notes
1 Almond #EED9C4 (238, 217, 196) 120 1998
2 Antique Brass #C88A65 (200, 138, 101) 120 1998 M
3 Apricot #FDD5B1 (253, 213, 177) 24 1949
4 Aquamarine #458B74 (69, 139, 116) 64 1958
5 Asparagus #7BA05B (123, 160, 91) 96 1993
6 Atomic Tangerine #FF9966 (255, 153, 102) 72 1972 F Renamed from "Ultra Yellow" in 1990
7 Banana Mania #FBE7B2 (251, 231, 178) 120 1998
8 Beaver #926F5B (146, 111, 91) 120 1998
9 Bittersweet #FE6F5E (254, 111, 94) 48 1949
10 Black #000000 (0, 0, 0) 8 1903
11 Blizzard Blue #00BFFF (0, 191, 255) 72 1972 2003 F Renamed from "Ultra Blue" in 1990
12 Blue #0066FF (0, 102, 255) 8 1903
13 Blue Bell #9999CC (153, 153, 204) 120 1998 P
14 Blue Gray #6699CC (102, 153, 204) 64 1958 1990
15 Blue Green #0095B6 (0, 149, 182) 16 1949
16 Blue Violet #6456B7 (100, 86, 183) 16 1949
17 Blush #DB5079 (219, 80, 121) 120 1998 Renamed from "Cranberry" in 2000
18 Brick Red #C62D42 (198, 45, 66) 48 1949
19 Brown #AF593E (175, 89, 62) 8 1903
20 Burnt Orange #FF7034 (255, 112, 52) 64 1958
21 Burnt Sienna #E97451 (233, 116, 81) 48 1949
22 Cadet Blue #A9B2C3 (169, 178, 195) 64 1958
23 Canary #FFFF99 (255, 255, 153) 120 1998 P
24 Caribbean Green #00CC99 (0, 204, 153) 120 1997
25 Carnation Pink #FFA6C9 (255, 166, 201) 16 1949
26 Cerise #DA3287 (218, 50, 135) 96 1993
27 Cerulean #02A4D3 (2, 164, 211) 24 1990
28 Chestnut #B94E48 (185, 78, 72) 64 1958 Renamed from "Indian Red" in 1999
29 Copper #DA8A67 (218, 138, 103) 64 1958 M
30 Cornflower #93CCEA (147, 204, 234) 48 1949
31 Cotton Candy #FFB7D5 (255, 183, 213) 120 1998
32 Dandelion #FDDB6D (253, 219, 109) 24 1990 2017
33 Denim #1560BD (21, 96, 189) 96 1993
34 Desert Sand #EDC9AF (237, 201, 175) 120 1998
35 Eggplant #614051 (97, 64, 81) 120 1998
36 Electric Lime #CCFF00 (204, 255, 0) 80 1990 F
37 Fern #63B76C (99, 183, 108) 120 1998
38 Forest Green #5FA777 (95, 167, 119) 64 1958
39 Fuchsia #C154C1 (193, 84, 193) 80 1990
40 Fuzzy Wuzzy #87421F (135, 66, 31) 120 1998
41 Gold #E6BE8A (230, 190, 138) 48 1949 M
42 Goldenrod #FCD667 (252, 214, 103) 64 1958
43 Granny Smith Apple #9DE093 (157, 224, 147) 96 1993
44 Gray #8B8680 (139, 134, 128) 24 1949
45 Green #01A368 (1, 163, 104) 8 1903
46 Green Blue #1164B4 (17, 100, 180) 48 1949 1990
47 Green Yellow #F1E788 (241, 231, 136) 24 1949
48 Hot Magenta #FF00CC (255, 0, 204) 72 1972 F
49 Inchworm #B0E313 (176, 227, 19) 120 2003
50 Indigo #4F69C6 (79, 105, 198) 24 2000
51 Jazzberry Jam #A50B5E (165, 11, 94) 120 2003
52 Jungle Green #29AB87 (41, 171, 135) 80 1990
53 Laser Lemon #FFFF66 (255, 255, 102) 72 1972 F Renamed from "Chartreuse" in 1990
54 Lavender #FBAED2 (251, 174, 210) 64 1958
55 Lemon Yellow #FFF44F (255, 244, 79) 48 1949 1990
56 Macaroni and Cheese #FFB97B (255, 185, 123) 96 1993
57 Magenta #F653A6 (246, 83, 166) 48 1949
58 Magic Mint #00FFA5 (0, 255, 165) 120 1990 2003 F
59 Mahogany #CA3435 (202, 52, 53) 48 1949
60 Maize #EDD19C (237, 209, 156) 48 1949 1990
61 Manatee #8D90A1 (141, 144, 161) 120 1998
62 Mango Tango #E77200 (231, 114, 0) 120 2003
63 Maroon #C32148 (195, 33, 72) 48 1949
64 Mauvelous #F091A9 (240, 145, 169) 96 1993
65 Melon #FEBAAD (254, 186, 173) 48 1949
66 Midnight Blue #003366 (0, 51, 102) 48 1949 Renamed from "Prussian Blue" in 1958
67 Mountain Meadow #1AB385 (26, 179, 133) 120 1998
68 Mulberry #C54B8C (197, 75, 140) 64 1958 2003
69 Navy Blue #0066CC (0, 102, 204) 64 1958
70 Neon Carrot #FF9933 (255, 153, 51) 80 1990 F
71 Olive Green #B5B35C (181, 179, 92) 48 1949
72 Orange #FF681F (255, 104, 31) 8 1903
73 Orange Red #FF2B2B (255, 43, 43) 48 1949 1990
74 Orange Yellow #FFAE42 (255, 174, 66) 48 1949 1990
75 Orchid #E29CD2 (226, 156, 210) 48 1949
76 Outer Space #2D383A (45, 56, 58) 120 1998
77 Outrageous Orange #FF6037 (255, 96, 55) 72 1972 F Renamed from "Ultra Orange" in 1990
78 Pacific Blue #009DC4 (0, 157, 196) 96 1993
79 Peach #FFCBA4 (255, 203, 164) 48 1949 Renamed from "Flesh" in 1962
80 Periwinkle #C3CDE6 (195, 205, 230) 48 1949 P
81 Piggy Pink #FDD7E4 (253, 215, 228) 120 1998 P
82 Pine Green #01796F (1, 121, 111) 48 1949
83 Pink Flamingo #F2583E (242, 88, 62) 120 1997 F
84 Pink Sherbert #F7A38E (247, 163, 142) 120 1998 Renamed from "Brink Pink" in 2000
85 Plum #843179 (132, 49, 121) 64 1958
86 Purple Heart #652DC1 (101, 45, 193) 120 1998
87 Purple Mountain's Majesty #d6aedd (214, 174, 221) 96 1993 P
88 Purple Pizzazz #FF00CC (255, 0, 204) 80 1990 F
89 Radical Red #FF355E (255, 53, 94) 80 1990 F
90 Raw Sienna #D27D46 (210, 125, 70) 64 1958
91 Raw Umber #714B23 (113, 75, 35) 64 1958 1990
92 Razzle Dazzle Rose #EED5D2 (238, 213, 210) 80 1990 F
93 Razzmatazz #E30B5C (227, 11, 92) 96 1993
94 Red #ED0A3F (237, 10, 63) 8 1903
95 Red Orange #FF3F34 (255, 63, 52) 16 1949
96 Red Violet #BB3385 (187, 51, 133) 16 1949
97 Robin's Egg Blue #00CCCC (0, 204, 204) 96 1993
98 Royal Purple #6B3FA0 (107, 63, 160) 96 1990
99 Salmon #FF91A4 (255, 145, 164) 48 1949
100 Scarlet #FD0E35 (253, 14, 53) 24 1998 Renamed from "Torch Red" in 2000
101 Screamin' Green #66FF66 (102, 255, 102) 72 1972 F Renamed from "Ultra Green" in 1990
102 Sea Green #93DFB8 (147, 223, 184) 48 1949 P
103 Sepia #9E5B40 (158, 91, 64) 64 1958
104 Shadow #837050 (131, 112, 80) 120 1998
105 Shamrock #33CC99 (51, 204, 153) 96 1993
106 Shocking Pink #FF6FFF (255, 111, 255) 72 1972 F Renamed from "Ultra Pink" in 1990
107 Silver #C9C0BB (201, 192, 187) 48 1949 M
108 Sky Blue #76D7EA (118, 215, 234) 64 1958
109 Spring Green #ECEBBD (236, 235, 189) 48 1949 P
110 Sunglow #FFCC33 (255, 204, 51) 80 1990 F
111 Sunset Orange #FE4C40 (254, 76, 64) 120 1997
112 Tan #FA9D5A (250, 157, 90) 48 1949
113 Teal Blue #18A7B5 (24, 167, 181) 80 1990 2003 P
114 Thistle #EBC7DF (235, 199, 223) 48 1949 2000 P
115 Tickle Me Pink #FC80A5 (252, 128, 165) 96 1993
116 Timberwolf #D9D6CF (217, 214, 207) 96 1993
117 Tropical Rain Forest #00755E (0, 117, 94) 96 1993
118 Tumbleweed #DEA681 (222, 166, 129) 96 1993
119 Turquoise Blue #6CDAE7 (108, 218, 231) 48 1949
120 Unmellow Yellow #FFFF66 (255, 255, 102) 80 1990 F
121 Violet (Purple) #8359A3 (131, 89, 163) 8 1903
122 Violet Blue #324AB2 (50, 74, 178) 48 1949 1990
123 Violet Red #F7468A (247, 70, 138) 24 1949
124 Vivid Tangerine #FF9980 (255, 153, 128) 80 1990
125 Vivid Violet #803790 (128, 55, 144) 120 1997
126 White #FFFFFF (255, 255, 255) 16 1949
127 Wild Blue Yonder #7A89B8 (122, 137, 184) 120 2003
128 Wild Strawberry #FF3399 (255, 51, 153) 80 1990
129 Wild Watermelon #FD5B78 (253, 91, 120) 72 1972 F Renamed from "Ultra Red" in 1990
130 Wisteria #C9A0DC (201, 160, 220) 96 1993 P
131 Yellow #FBE870 (251, 232, 112) 8 1903
132 Yellow Green #C5E17A (197, 225, 122) 16 1949
133 Yellow Orange #FFAE42 (255, 174, 66) 16 1949
134 Bluetiful #3C69E7 (60, 105, 231) 24 2017

F= Fluorescent

P= Pastel

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  1. "Custom Box Creator". SureSource LLC. Archived from the original on 2010-01-03. Retrieved 2009-11-26.

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