NIST is currently unable to ship to Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. As a result, we are not currently accepting or processing orders that require shipping to these countries.

Upcoming Price Changes

Twice each calendar year SRMs may be re-priced taking into account the updates for overhead and surcharge rates as determined by NIST and the Department of Commerce. On these occasions (approximately January and July) SRM prices are adjusted to reflect these changes.

The next price change for Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) and Calibration services is scheduled to occur on or around January 16, 2025.

Featured Programs

Ruler Icon An illustrated ruler icon.


The calibration services of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are designed to help the makers and users of precision instruments achieve the highest possible levels of measurement quality and productivity.

See Calibration FAQs
Binary Document Icon An illustrated binary document icon.

Standard Reference Data

For over 50 years, NIST has developed and distributed Standard Reference Data in Chemistry, Engineering, Fluids and Condensed Phases, Material Sciences, Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Physics.

Lab Beaker IconAn illustrated lab beaker icon.

Standard Reference Materials

NIST supports accurate and compatible measurements by certifying and providing over 1200 Standard Reference Materials® with well-characterized composition or properties, or both.

SRM Home Page See SRM FAQs SRM Catalog
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