Posts by Category


I wish #[non_exhaustive] worked with struct update syntax

3 minute read

It’s pretty annoying that in Rust, #[non_exhaustive] structs don’t support “struct update” / “functional record update” syntax (the syntax that powers Stuff { a: b, c: d, ..blah }).

Allocator trait 1: Let’s talk about the Allocator trait

5 minute read

There are… several things I find wanting about the current version of the core::alloc::Allocator trait (as of 2023-08-06). I’m going to do a short series where I post about some of the bigger issues, and explore the different tradeoffs and design choices we might make. This post is an introduction to that.

Miri Feature Wishlist

8 minute read

Miri is an evaluator for rust that detects many kinds of undefined behavior. Here are some things it could (possibly) do that would catch bugs I’ve had/seen before.

Introducing “Codelets”

3 minute read

In an effort to post more, I’m going to start posting shorter (and frankly, lower effort) blog posts known as “Codelets”.


5 minute read

Most major OSes offer some form of futex-like functionality at this point. Some of these are a bit obscure and hard to remember, though, so I thought I’d write some stuff about them down so that I can refer to it or link it later.

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