Lucky Day is a famous seahorse at the Reef City Seahorse Race Track and a minor character in Shark Tale.
Oscar bet $5,000 clams on him, which he got from Sykes, for to win the final race. Such a million dollar bet was noticed nearby by Lola, who flagrantly seduced an excited Oscar and, upon finding out that he was a whale washer when Sykes showed up, exposed the bet to everyone and left. Sykes was furious that Oscar bet the money but nonetheless agreed to see how the race turned out.
When the race started, Lucky Day had trouble getting out of the jammed starting gate (which he did all the time, according to Oscar) until he was able to ram through it and raced to catch up with the other horses. By the time he did, he zig-zagged past them and took the lead from Fish Fingers, leaving the horses miles behind him and Oscar cheering with Sykes since their bet was gonna win.
Unfortunately, right before Lucky Day could cross the finish line, he started to take missteps, when he started to panic by rolling up his tail to get back on track, he ended up kicking himself in the face and tripped and fell a few inches from the line, thus letting Fish Fingers to zip past him and win the race. Oscar was disappointed, and Sykes was furious.
- Lucky Day isn't seen again for the rest of the film, thus it is unknown whether he was retired or given a second chance.
- Lucky Day's model when he's about to speed up and gain a lead that was miles ahead of the other seahorses, seems to be a less injured version of the model used during Oscar's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and when Lucky Day is about to stop at the finish line, you can tell by the eyes being a muted orange color. the hair being purple. and his skin having purple and blueish marks on them, his mask also has a scar dent on it, Lucky Day also has a slight scar on his skin where the scar dent on his mask is located.