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Gävlebocken being devoured by birds is incredible. There’s a whole creation/destruction mythos around this giant hay goat, a constant conflict between burning the goat and protecting it. And this year, it’s (unintentional?) use of hay with seeds has turned it into a birdie buffet. Being torn apart for food is simultaneous creation and destruction. I don’t reeeaaallly believe in omens (or do I?) but I wonder what kind this could be.
And there’s a white raven in Anchorage, which is having its snowiest winter ever, so very interesting winter for birds.
my forensics class has an arson project for our final so my group decided to recreate the gavle goat
me: oughghgh okay you gotta go OUT today and run errands like an adult, pick up prints, buy floss for the beans cross stitches you sell, maybe some groceries....
also me: oh 3pm's not that late! plenty of time to spend on a cross stitch project!
several hours later, it is already dark out:
me:..... shit.
(ty to @presidentdragon for a sentence that goes extremely hard)
also idk what the cheapest way to get this pattern out to yall would be is there like, a public drive folder somewhere where you can upload free pattern pdfs?