Catégorie:Wiktionary:Sêndagô tî mängëngö na Angelë
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Âlâmbëtï na yâ tî fündä « Wiktionary:Sêndagô tî mängëngö na Angelë »
Cette catégorie comprend 1 913 pages, dont les 200 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)A
- abachi
- Abend
- ablution
- absolutism
- abstention
- abstentionism
- abstentionist
- abundantly
- abura wood
- acalypha
- accordionist
- accounting
- acidify
- acrobat
- acrobatics
- Adam's apple
- adherent
- adjourn
- Adler
- administrator
- advancement
- advertise
- aerodrome
- aeronautics
- affability
- affirmation
- Afghanistan
- aframomum
- African bark
- African birch
- African breadfruit
- African butterflyfish
- African canarium
- African cedar
- African celtis
- African climbing palm
- African copaiba balsam tree
- African ebony
- African fan palm
- African grape
- African ita
- African mahogany
- African mesquite
- African mile-a-minute
- African nut tree
- African nutmeg
- African oak
- African oil bean
- African pearwood
- African rattan palm
- African rosewood
- African star chestnut
- African water smartweed
- African wild dog
- African wood-oil nut tree
- Agent
- ageratum
- aggression
- aggressively
- agitation
- agouti
- agronomics
- agronomist
- agronomy
- Agustus
- aidon tree
- Aids
- ailment
- air potato vine
- air terminal
- air yam
- airdrome
- airplane plant
- airport
- Albania
- alley
- alligator pear
- allocution
- allow
- ally
- almond tree
- aloe vera
- alone
- also
- alternation
- alternator
- aluminum
- ambassador
- ambiance
- ambiguity
- amortise
- amortize
- amount
- amply
- amputation
- analysis
- ancestor
- ancestors
- Andorra
- anemia
- Angola
- Anguilla
- aniegre
- animal husbandry
- aningeria
- ankylose
- anniversary
- annuity
- answer
- ant tree
- anthill
- anthropophagy
- Antigua and Barbuda
- antiquary
- antiseptic
- aphid
- apothecary shop
- appendicitis
- apple tree
- apposition
- Arab
- Argentina
- argil
- aria
- arithmetic
- ark
- armchair
- Armenia
- armer
- Armer
- armorer
- armoury
- arrange
- arrival
- arrowleaf
- artistess
- Aruba
- as soon as
- Ashanti pepper
- Asian
- asparagus fern
- assailant
- assemblage
- assemble
- assert
- assessor
- assiduity
- association
- asthma
- asthma weed
- astounding
- Asya
- asylum
- at bottom
- athletics
- attach
- attaché case
- attacker
- attraction
- audacity
- augment
- autopsy
- aviation
- avidity
- avocado tree
- ax
- Azerbaijan
- bachelor's button
- back off
- back office
- backrest
- bad luck
- bagflower
- baggage
- bairn
- baker's
- baking soda
- baldness
- Bambara groundnut
- bamboo
- bambou tibi
- banana tree
- Band
- bandage
- bandit
- bank clerk
- bank manager
- bank official
- banknote
- bankruptcy
- banner
- baptise
- baptism
- baptize
- bar
- bar of soap
- barbed wire
- barking
- barmaid
- barrack