Managed Galera Cluster on-prem, in the cloud, or both

Version 8.0 (Percona XtraDB Cluster)
Version 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.11, 11.4  (MariaDB Cluster)

Galera Cluster, also known as MySQL Galera, is deployable via ClusterControl using Percona, MariaDB on-premise, and the MySQL binaries for cloud deployments. You have all the options you’ve ever wanted with the click of a button, including node recovery, bootstrapping the cluster, rolling restarts, and clones.

Galera Cluster

ClustControl for Galera Cluster highlights


  • Percona XtraDB Cluster
  • MariaDB Cluster
  • Operating system provided repository
  • Custom repository binaries

Replication types

  • Synchronous / Certification-Based Replication
  • Cluster-to-cluster replication

Top features

  • Deployment completeness
  • Seamless failover
  • Galera observability

Galera Cluster + ClusterControl + Application failover ready

Create a managed Galera cluster with integrated load balancing for seamless application failover and enhanced user experience from day one.

Want some CC for Galera Cluster information for later?

Features list

Open Sourcecheck
Cluster management
Deploy / import clustercheck
Add / clone / duplicate / remove / decommission nodecheck
High availability
Load balancercheck
Automated failovercheck
Cluster to cluster replicationcheck
Asynchronous / synchronous replicationcheck
Backup / restore
Full / incremental / partial backupscheck
Backup compression / encryptioncheck
Point in Time Recovery (PITR)check
Local / cloud backupscheck
Infrastructure / database / query monitoringcheck
Dashboarding / alertingcheck
Security / compliance
Role-based access controlcheck
Key managementcheck
LDAP integrationcheck
TLS encryptioncheck
Audit logcheck

Choose the CC plan that fits your use case and preferred payment terms


For deployment and monitoring

  • Deployment and monitoring
  • Performance advisors
  • Community support

starts atFree

Check out the feature list


For small production deployments

  • Includes all Advanced features
  • Deploy up to 5 nodes
  • Pay-as-you-go

starts at€250*per node, per month

Check out the feature list


For production deployments

  • Scaling and failover
  • Deploy load balancers
  • Business hours support

for pricingContact Us

Check out the feature list


For enterprise-grade deployments

  • Operations Center and reporting
  • Enhanced security features
  • 24×7 support

for pricingContact Us

Check out the feature list

Ready to automate Galera Cluster ops anywhere? Try it free for 30-days.

Top rated Docs

Galera Cluster docs

Cluster Recovery Docs

Import a Database Cluster docs

Top rated Blogs

How to configure SELinux for MySQL-based systems (MySQL/MariaDB Replication + Galera)

Deploying a Hybrid Infrastructure Environment for Percona XtraDB Cluster

Galera Cluster Comparison – Codership vs Percona vs MariaDB

We have our existing Galera Cluster highly tuned and monitored. What assurance does ClusterControl give me in this sense?

There are specific dashboards on Galera WSRep statistics, flow control and load balancer metrics, and MySQL dashboards—all under the Galera main dashboard.

For our disaster recovery strategy, we are looking into replicating between two Galera clusters. Is that covered with ClusterControl?

There’s a specific option to create a replica cluster from an existing Galera cluster, either streaming or from a previous backup. That’s in addition to taking a clone.

What backup options are available for Galera Cluster?

You can take backups from any node, primary, or just let ClusterControl auto-select the node. And that can be backed up to cloud or on-premise. It also includes encryption, compression, and even network throttling.

6 easy steps to get started with ClusterControl