Blog: History
Past and Present of Haskell: Interview with Simon Peyton Jones
Some time ago, we got a fantastic opportunity to interview Simon Peyton Jones, a key contributor to the design of Haskell and GHC. Read (or watch) our interview with him to find more about the past, present, and future of Haskell.
40 Years in Computer Science: Interview with Tatyana Petrushina
Learn about the past and present of computer science and computer science education from Tatyana Petrushina, systems analyst at Provectus.
Great Women in Programming
Read about outstanding women programmers, inventors, and computer scientists in our article.

Game of Phones: History of Erlang and Elixir
How do old technologies become relevant dozens of years after their conception? In this article, we look into the history of Erlang and Elixir for answers.

Haskell. History of a Community-Powered Language
Did you know that Haskell is a language with over 30 years of history? Denis Oleynikov recounts the whole story, from start to Haskell Prime.