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Slang is the byordinar uiss o wirds in the leed o a parteecular social group, an whiles the cleckin o new wirds or the inbringin o wirds frae anither leed. It is a kin o neologism. Slang can be descrieved as deviatin awa frae the ordinar uiss o a leed. Slang functions in twa weys; the cleckin o new langage an new uisses throu a process o creative informal uiss an adaptation, an the cleckin o a saicret leed that's juist unnerstuid bi them athin the group that's mynt tae unnerstaund it.
Frae this, slang is a kin o sociolect ettlin tae exclude certain fowk frae cawin the crack. Slang firstlins functions as encreeption, sae that the nane-initiate canna lift the meanin, or as a further wey tae communicate wi them that unnerstaunds it. Slang functions as a wey tae recogneeze members o the selsame group, an tae sinder that group frae the society aboot it. Slang terms is aften parteecular tae a certain subculture, sic as muisicianers, skatebuirders, an drog uisers. Slang for ordinar implees playfu, informal speak. Slang is hauden apairt frae jargon, the technical vocabular o a parteecular profession, as jargon is (in theory) no uised tae exclude fowk ootwi the group members frae the conversation, but raither deals wi the technical peculiarities o a gien field that requires a speicialized vocabular.
Functions an oreegins o slang
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Ae uiss o slang is a semple wey o evytin social taboos. The ordinar uiss o a leed for ordinar evytes expleecitly evokin certain realities. Slang, an the informal forms o language an aw, allous a body tae talk aboot thir realities in a speicial language redd o the ordinar connotations in the ordinar register. Slang vocabulars is parteecularly rich in certain domains, sic as sexuality, veeolence, crime, an drogs.
There isna juist ae slang, but mony mony varieties—or dialects—o slang. Sindry social groups in different times haes brocht on their ain slang. The importance o encreeption an identity varies amang the sindry slangs.
Slang maun aye renew its process o expression, an in parteecular its vocabular, sae that them that's no a pairt o the group will aye no can lift the slang. The exeestence o slang dictionars, o coorse, scomfishes the effectiveness o certain wirds. Mony slang terms passes intae informal ordinar speak, an syne whiles intae ordinar formal speak.
Oreeginally, certain slang designatit the speak o fowk inrowed in the creeminal unnerwarld, hooligans, bandits, creeminals, etc. Therefore, their vocabular cairiet awfu vulgar connotations, an was strictly rejectit b speakers o "richt" langage. Ither groups brocht on their ain slangs. For ordinar, groups on the mairgins o ordinar society that wis excludit or rejectit bi it.
Examples o slang
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Historical examples o slang is the thiefs' cant uised bi gaberlunzies an the unnerwarld. In aforegane centuries: a nummer o cantin dictionars wis setten furth.
Fisherfowk slang for taboo wirds
[eedit | eedit soorce]Fisherfowk slang | Scots |
bell-hoose | kirk[1] |
kuna | wife[2] |
shaveneshi, nyow | cat[3][4] |
Glesga Rhymin Slang
[eedit | eedit soorce]Glesga Rhymin Slang is the kynd o rhymin slang peculiar tae Glesga an the ither urban areas aroond it. As wi aw ither rhymin slang, it jist substitutes a wird or phrase fir anither ane that rhymes wi it - an can aften become raither convoluitit as wirds fae the slang that disnae rhyme wi the substitutit wird become uised raither nor the hale phrase eg. "Paraffin ile" (fir "style") cuid be said as "Paraffin", jist - as in "Ye'v nae parrafin." Whiles this can make the phrase a tait obscure an teuch tae follae the meanin o, that's aften pairt o the fun o it - figurin oot whit's meant by wirds uised in sentences wi nae appearant connection tae the rist o the sentence.
Rhymin Slang | Scots |
Bertie Auld | Cauld [5] |
Cabbitch (an Ribs) | Hibernian, Hibs [5] |
Chorus (an Verse) | Airse [5] |
Collie (Dug) | Mug [5] |
Jam Tairts | Herts [5] |
Malkie (Fraser) | Razor [5] |
Nat King Cole | Hole [5] |
Oscar (Slater) | Later [5] |
Pan Breid | Deid [5] |
Radio rental | Mental [5] |
Scooby (Doo) | Clue [5] |
Tin Fluit | Suit [5] |
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ "BELL-HOUSE, n. comb. Add to defin.: In fishermen's sea-taboo usage: a church (Sc. 1950 P. Anson Sc. Fisherfolk 36, e.g. in describing landmarks)." Dictionar o the Scots Leid.
- ↑ "KUNA, n. A fisherman's taboo-name for a wife, a married woman (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl., 1914 Angus Gl.)." Dictionar o the Scots Leid.
- ↑ "SHAVNESHI, n. A Sh. fisherman's taboo-name for a cat (Sh. 1915 Shetland News (21 Oct.), 1958 Ib. (30 Dec.) 4)." Dictionar o the Scots Leid.
- ↑ NYOW, v., n. Also njau, njou. [...] II. n. A mew (Marw.; Sh. 1964); a fisherman's taboo-name for a cat (Jak.), also in the form njauer (Ib.). Dictionar o the Scots Leid
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l Crofton, Ian. A Dictionary of Scottish Phrase and Fable. Birlinn. p. 395-396. ISBN 9781841589770.
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