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2012 Unitit States presidential election

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Unitit States presidential election, 2012

← 2008 November 6, 2012 2016 →

538 electoral votes o the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needit tae win
Turnoot58.2% (votin eligible)[1]
Nominee Barack Obama Mitt Romney
Pairty Democratic Republican
Hame state Illinois Massachusetts
Runnin mate Joe Biden Paul Ryan
Electoral vote 332 206
States carried 26 + DC 24
Popular vote 65,910,437[2] 60,932,795[2]
Percentage 51.1%[2] 47.2%[2]

Unitit States presidential election in Alabama, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Alaska, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Arizona, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Arkansas, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Californie, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Colorado, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Connecticut, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Delaware, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Florida, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Georgie, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Hawaii, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Idaho, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Illinois, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Indiana, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Iowa, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Kansas, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Kentucky, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Louisiana, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Maine, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Maryland, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Massachusetts, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Michigan, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Minnesota, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Mississippi, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Missouri, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Montana, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Nebraska, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Nevada, 2012Unitit States presidential election in New Hampshire, 2012United States presidential election in New Jersey, 2012Unitit States presidential election in New Mexico, 2012Unitit States presidential election in New York, 2012Unitit States presidential election in North Carolina, 2012Unitit States presidential election in North Dakota, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Ohio, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Oklahoma, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Oregon, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Pennsylvanie, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Rhode Island, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Sooth Carolina, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Sooth Dakota, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Tennessee, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Texas, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Utah, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Vermont, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Virginie, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Washington, 2012Unitit States presidential election in West Virginie, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Wisconsin, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Wyoming, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Delaware, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Maryland, 2012Unitit States presidential election in New Hampshire, 2012Unitit States presidential election in New Jersey, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Massachusetts, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Connecticut, 2012Unitit States presidential election in West Virginie, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Vermont, 2012Unitit States presidential election in Rhode Island, 2012
Presidential election results cairt. Blue denotes states/destricts wan bi Obama/Biden. Reid denotes those wan bi Romney/Ryan. Nummers indicate electoral votes allottit tae the winner o each state.

Preses afore election

Barack Obama

Electit Preses

Barack Obama

The Unitit States presidential election o 2012 wis the 57t quadrennial presidential election. It wis held on Tysday, November 6, 2012. The Democratic nominee, incumbent Preses Barack Obama, an his runnin mate, Vice Preses Joe Biden, wur re-electit tae a seicont term, defeatin the Republican nominee, umwhile Massachusetts Govrenor Mitt Romney, an his runnin mate, Representative Paul Ryan o Wisconsin.

Although maist major media outlets insistit afore the election that the race wis too close tae predict a winner in advance,[3] analysts uisin statistical models,[4] beukmakers,[5] an bettin mercats[6] haed Obama as a clear favorite.[7][8] At aroond 11:15 PM EST on Election Day, maist major telly networks called Ohio for Obama, projectin him the winner o the election.[9] At aroond 1:00 AM EST on November 7, Romney conceded the election tae Obama. Bi November 10, the electoral ootcomes o aw 50 states an the Destrict o Columbie haed been definitively projectit (the electoral ootcome in Florida remained uncertain til November 10).[10] Obama wan 332 electoral votes tae Romney's 206 an carried aw the states an destricts (amang states that allocate electoral votes bi destrict) that he haed wan in the 2008 election except North Carolina, Indiana, an Nebraska's 2nt congressional destrict.


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  1. Dr. Michael McDonald (25 Mairch 2013). "2012 General Election Turnout Rates". George Mason University. Archived frae the original on 24 Apryle 2013. Retrieved 12 Apryle 2013.
  2. a b c d Wasserman, David. [1].
  3. For example, the Financial Post (from Reuters) [2], Forbes [3], and Globe & Mail (Toronto) [4][deid airtin] all described the election as "too close to call".
  4. ElectoralVote, FiveThirtyEight Archived 2013-05-10 at the Wayback Machine, Pollster, Princeton Consortium Archived 2021-11-28 at the Wayback Machine, Votamatic
  5. "BlueSquare". Bluesq.com. Archived frae the original on 26 Mey 2013. Retrieved 10 November 2012.
  6. Intrade Archived 2012-06-09 at the Wayback Machine, Betfair Archived 2013-05-09 at the Wayback Machine
  7. "Leighton Vaughan Williams: Prediction Markets: The Other Big Winners on Election Night". Huffington Post. 8 November 2012. Retrieved 10 November 2012.
  8. "Drew Linzer: The stats man who predicted Obama's win". BBC News. 8 November 2012. Retrieved 10 November 2012.
  9. "Obama's Night". The New York Times. 7 November 2012. CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News all projected that Mr. Obama would defeat Mr. Romney after concluding that he would win the necessary 270 electoral votes.
  10. Lush, Tamara (10 November 2012). "Obama Wins Fla., Topping Romney in Final Tally". Associated Press. Archived frae the original on 11 Februar 2013. Retrieved 10 November 2012.

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