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Oached Pish
Sherwood Smith's Blog
Premium Paid Account
Created on 2010-07-18 00:28:43 (#533864), last updated 2025-03-10 (1 week ago)
161,528 comments received, 17,108 comments posted
4,131 Journal Entries, 964 Tags, 0 Memories, 21 Icons Uploaded
Name: | sartorias |
Location: | United States |
Website: | Sherwood Smith |
I am Sherwood Smith, a myopic old--no. Wait. We can be anyone we want on the Internet, right? Then I am young, brilliant, and full of grace, with enough money to keep up with my reading, my car always runs, my house is always clean, I never slop spaghetti down my front at fancy dinners, and I am not only visible at social gatherings, but ept.
Oached pish is a dyslexic fumbling that I typed instead of 'poached fish.' I don't remember why I was blathering about poached fish. Somehow this sums up the Smith Bozone. Anyway, this blog mostly talks about reading with occasional forays into this and that. I'd like differing POVs to feel safe to exchange ideas here. But personal attacks get deleted.Writing news and talk pretty much is confined to my Patreon. I have a newsletter signup for the rare person interested in news of forthcoming books.
Friending policy Come and go at will. I never check.
Oached pish is a dyslexic fumbling that I typed instead of 'poached fish.' I don't remember why I was blathering about poached fish. Somehow this sums up the Smith Bozone. Anyway, this blog mostly talks about reading with occasional forays into this and that. I'd like differing POVs to feel safe to exchange ideas here. But personal attacks get deleted.Writing news and talk pretty much is confined to my Patreon. I have a newsletter signup for the rare person interested in news of forthcoming books.
Friending policy Come and go at will. I never check.
18th century literature, 19th century literature, alexandre dumas, anthony hope, anthony trollope, baroque period, belles lettres, biography, books, bookstores, byron, c.s. lewis, caroline stevermer, children's literature, china, chinese history, chinese language. chinese literature, chinese television, chocolate, claire clairmont, classical music, claude manceron, comedies of manners, conversation, craft of writing, diana wynne jones, dogs, donald westlake, dorothy dunnett, dorothy l. sayers, e.f. benson, elizabeth gaskell, evelyn waugh, fandom, fanny burney, fantasy, fred astaire, frederick marryat, george eliot, george macdonald fraser, grace, gustav holst, henry james' essays, history, horace walpole, humor, inklings, j.r.r. tolkien, jane austen, jo walton, john milton, korean television, l.m. montgomery, liavek, liselotte von der pfalz, lloyd alexander, lois mcmaster bujold, lord byron, lord chesterfield, lord of the rings, louis xiv, madame sevigny, mapp and lucia, marloven hess, mary renault, mary shelley, mary wortley montagu, memoirs, music, old books, old houses, old movies, olympe de gouges, p.g. wodehouse, pamela dean, panache, patrick o'brian, paul whitehead, percy bysshe shelley, plenty of books, publishing, puccini, pyrates, rachel manija brown, reading, relationships, reviewing, richardson, robin mckinley, romans fleuves, rudyard kipling, ruritania, russian opera, saint-simon, salon hostesses, secret rooms, semiotics, simon schama, smollett, social contracts, social history, space opera, spectator, style, swashbuckling, t.s. eliot, talleyrand, tea, the brontes, the enlightenment, the french revolution, the reformation, theatre, three stooges, tim powers, victorian literature, vladimir nabokov, warnie lewis, wit, wolfgang amadeus mozart, workshopping, world music, writers' letters and journals, writing, young adult literature

aamcnamara, abwarwick, afterglowey, akamarykate, amberdine, ambyr, ann1962, anna_wing, anne, asakiyume, ashnistrike, athenais, autopope, baranduin, batwrangler, boxofdelights, brithistorian, buhrger, calimac, camille_bacon_smith, carbonel, castiron, catherineldf, cathrowan, cgbookcat1, chazzbanner, ckd, cliosfolly, cmcmck, cofax7, dame_grise, dancing_serpent, deborahjross, desperance, djonn, dragonpaws, dragovianknight, editrx, eglantiere, elianarus, elisem, ellenmillion, elwendell, emileslin, emluv, esther_asphodel, finch, genarti, grayswandir, green_knight, gwyneira, gwynnega, halfmoon_mollie1, hebethen, heleninwales, helivoy, intertext, ironymaiden, ivy, james_davis_nicoll, janni, jazzfish, jhetley, jreynoldsward, kate_nepveu, khek, kith_koby, klwilliams, komori, ksmith, lacewood, laetificat, laleia, landingtree, landofnowhere, larryhammer, laurel, lenora_rose, lesserstorm, liadnan, lilysea, lindahoyland, lisajulie, lizbennefeld, lnhammer, longstrider, lurkerwithout, lydamorehouse, lydy, madrobins, madwriter, makamu, malkingrey, maribou, marith, marjorie1170, marycatelli, mecurtin, mific, mikeda, minnehaha, mirlacca, mmerriam, mount_oregano, mrissa, nancylebov, naraht, naye, negothick, nineweaving, njs, nocowardsoul, nonniemous, oracne, orange_scissors, osprey_archer, oursin, owlfish, pameladean, pegkerr, pengwern, petrichor_pirate, pjthompson, profiterole_reads, puddleshark, queenoftheskies, rachelmanija, radiantfracture, ranalore, ravens_quill, readinggeek451, ritaxis, rj_anderson, romsfuulynn, rosefox, rushthatspeaks, rymenhild, sally_maria, saraqael, sauronnaise, sauscony, sbrackett, scallywag195, scribblerjmz, seahearth, shana, shark_hat, shewhomust, shirebound, sholio, sixbeforelunch, sollers, soupdragon, sovay, srgruber, supergee, taelle, tbonejenkins, telophase, temporus, thanate, theodosia, thistleingrey, thomasyan, thomryng, threeringedmoon, troisoiseaux, twinkelbelpeach, umadoshi, ursula, valeriekwrites, verysongof, villeinage, weirdquark, whimsyful, white_hart, wild_patience, wiltedhydrangea, wordweaverlynn, xmarksthespotwhereistand
3rdragon, a_d_medievalist, affreca, al_zorra, arkessian, astolat, bonny_kate, cafenowhere, chawen, de_eekhoorn, dorotheian, ethelmay, glaurung, gloss, helen_keeble, hunningham, jacey, jeidai, jonsinger, kinetikatrue, marcella_mcphee, maryosmanski, mme_n_b, pilottttt, princessofgeeks, randwolf, skyfyre, staranise, swan_tower, the_future_modernes, the_rck, tree_and_leaf, volimance, watersword, yhlee
[] chanphenglew

aeriedraconia, benbenberi, choirwoman, cowfan, ebourland, ejmam, ellen_fremedon, estara, filkferengi, juliansummerhayes, lesadoreyl, longmagpieroads, luzmagdl, martianmooncrab, replyhazy, seeksadventure, shinryou, steepholm, yosiasing
aamcnamara, abwarwick, adore, affreca, afterglowey, akamarykate, al_zorra, amberdine, ambyr, anef, ann1962, anna_wing, anne, asakiyume, ashnistrike, astolat, athenais, autopope, azara, baranduin, batwrangler, benbenberi, bonny_kate, boxofdelights, brithistorian, buhrger, cafenowhere, calimac, camille_bacon_smith, carbonel, castiron, catherineldf, cathrowan, cgbookcat1, chazzbanner, ckd, cliosfolly, cmcmck, cofax7, cowfan, dame_grise, dancing_serpent, de_eekhoorn, deborahjross, desperance, dorotheian, dragonpaws, ebourland, editrx, eglantiere, elianarus, elisem, ellenmillion, elwendell, emileslin, emluv, esther_asphodel, ethelmay, finch, genarti, glaurung, gloss, grayswandir, green_knight, gwyneira, gwynnega, halfmoon_mollie1, hebethen, helen_keeble, heleninwales, helivoy, hunningham, intertext, ironymaiden, ivy, jacey, james_davis_nicoll, janni, jazzfish, jeidai, jhetley, jreynoldsward, julian, kate_nepveu, khek, kith_koby, klwilliams, komori, ksmith, lacewood, laetificat, laleia, landingtree, landofnowhere, larryhammer, laurel, leaina, leairan, lenora_rose, lesserstorm, liadnan, lilysea, lindahoyland, lisajulie, lizbennefeld, longstrider, lurkerwithout, lydamorehouse, lydy, madrobins, madwriter, makamu, malkingrey, marahmarie, marcella_mcphee, maribou, marith, marjorie1170, martianmooncrab, marycatelli, mecurtin, mekare, mific, mikeda, minnehaha, mirlacca, mme_n_b, mmerriam, mount_oregano, mrissa, nancylebov, naraht, naye, negothick, nineweaving, nishatalitha, njs, nocowardsoul, nonniemous, oracne, orange_scissors, osprey_archer, oursin, owlfish, pameladean, pegkerr, pengwern, petrichor_pirate, pjthompson, princessofgeeks, profiterole_reads, queenoftheskies, rachelmanija, radiantfracture, ranalore, randwolf, ravens_quill, readinggeek451, redheadedfemme, ritaxis, rj_anderson, romsfuulynn, rosefox, rushthatspeaks, sally_maria, sam_gardener, saraqael, sauronnaise, sauscony, scallywag195, scribblerjmz, seahearth, seeksadventure, shana, shark_hat, shewhomust, shirebound, sholio, sixbeforelunch, skyfyre, sollers, soupdragon, sovay, srgruber, staranise, supergee, swiftsnowmane, taelle, tbonejenkins, temporus, thady, thanate, the_future_modernes, the_rck, theodosia, thistleingrey, thomasyan, thomryng, threeringedmoon, tree_and_leaf, troisoiseaux, twinkelbelpeach, umadoshi, undomielregina, ursula, valeriekwrites, verysongof, villeinage, wallace_trust, watersword, weirdquark, whimsyful, white_hart, wild_patience, wiltedhydrangea, wordweaverlynn, xmarksthespotwhereistand
a_d_medievalist, arkessian, aryllian, chawen, ex_cafenowhere544, jonsinger, lnhammer, maryosmanski, puddleshark, rymenhild, swan_tower, telophase, volimance, yhlee
3rdragon, a_gate_in_the_hedge, aeriedraconia, aurumcalendula, azurelunatic, bluapapilio, breathingbooks, busarewski, catharas, certavi, chanter1944, choirwoman, clarentine, connatic, conuly, countesskate, crazysoph, dancesontrains, diony, djonn, dragonyphoenix, dragovianknight, egret, ejmam, epistasthai, erikgrove, estara, evil_plotbunny, externalities, filkferengi, ganima, hedgebird, jennaria, jjhunter, kadharonon, kinetikatrue, kitryan, ladyherenya, leaflemming,, legionseagle, lesadoreyl, lferion, lokifan, longmagpieroads, lonijlind, luzmagdl, mary_zeony, marydell, meadowtales, methylviolet10b, noblehalogen, nsmorig, okrablossom, opensummer, placebetween, poisonflowers, queenbookwench, replyhazy, retropops, sbrackett, setnet, sgac, shadaras, shinryou, sonia, space_parasite, starlady, steepholm, stelleappese, szzzt, tetralogy, theblacknessdyer, thesebonesaregood, traumaqueen, whaelan, wintersolstice, wordweaver, writerkit, yosiasing, yzzmn, zellephantom

baihe_media, bookviewcafe, c_ent, cnovels, disgracetoscholars, eroticanons, guardian_learning, nifexchange, nirvana_in_fire, yuletide, yuletide_admin
bookviewcafe, c_ent, cnovels, disgracetoscholars, dw_maintenance, dw_news, eroticanons, guardian_learning, nifexchange, nirvana_in_fire, yuletide, yuletide_admin

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