Reporters surround district two Councilman Alan Warrick. Photo by Scott Ball.

The San Antonio Report welcomes community conversation and is open to all points of view expressed with respect for other contributors and their opinions.

We’ve been honored to publish work from journalists, business professionals, academics, city officials, bloggers and anyone else who has something relevant or thought-provoking to say to the San Antonio community.

Commentary submissions should be 500 to 1,000 words in length and can be submitted here. We also welcome submissions for the Where I Live series and the Where I Work series. If you have any questions about the submission process, please email Blanca Méndez at [email protected].

Photographers are invited to submit photo galleries with a maximum 20 photographs. Contact [email protected] if you’ve got questions or a story to pitch.

The San Antonio Report, formerly Rivard Report, reserves the right to reject submissions because of inappropriate content, or if the submission addresses topics unrelated to the focus of this website. We also reserve the right to edit submissions for grammar, clarity, and length.

We look forward to hearing from you!