
Cuban Santería – Religious Influences in Cuban Music

September 21, 2001  
Jon Griffin

Afro-Cuban music blends African traditions, especially Yoruba, Arará, Congo, and Carabalí, into Cuban culture. It thrives in Cabildos and Casas de Santo, with Santería being the most prominent religious practice....

Olavo Alen on Santeria

April 21, 1998  
Olavo Alén Rodríguez

Yoruba slaves brought the Orisha religion to Cuba, which evolved into Santería by blending African deities with Catholic saints. Santería preserved African music and dance traditions, with Yoruba songs and...

Casino Rueda

March 12, 1997  
Jon Griffin

Casino Rueda is a Cuban group dance where couples exchange partners based on a leader's calls. While core steps are the same worldwide, local variations often reflect popular culture. The...
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