If you have your journal style customized, to display Your Journal - Your Money ads on your journal pages, you need to call the print_ad_box("type") method of the Page class in the code of your layout layer. Where 'type' is defining ad format as follows:
s2.top 728x90 Top s2.vertical 160x600 s2.box.top 300x250 s2.bottom 728x90 Bottom
To add html code around the ad block, viewer_sees_ad_box("type") clause could be used. Where 'type' is an appropriate banner value.
The following code could be used to display the 728x90 Bottom banner:
var Page p = get_page(); if (viewer_sees_ad_box("s2.bottom")) { "<div class=\"ad\">"; $p->print_ad_box("s2.bottom"); "</div>"; }
Contributed by arteman