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LLHL stands for "Liga Latinoamericana de Half-Life"

LLHL is a game mode designed for the HL/AG community in Latin America for their own leagues and tournaments. This mode features functionality similar to the European game mode counterpart (EHLL mode).



  • Automatic demo recording on match start.
  • Unstuck command with 10-second cooldown.
  • Ability to destroy other players satchels (Disabled by default).
  • New intermission mode: Allows players to freely look around instead of being locked to a fixed angle.


  • FPS Limiter (Maximum: 144 FPS).
  • FOV Limiter (Minimum: 85 FOV, disabled by default).
  • Block name and model changes when a match is on.


  • Egon damage reduced by 30%.
  • Crowbar damage increased by 30%.
  • Hornet gun damage increased by 60%.


  • RPG fix on: Avoids self-damage on rocket launch when moving at high speeds or closer to a wall.
  • Gauss fix on: Disables self-gauss (Only first reflection).
  • High-FPS respawn fix on: Ensures players respawn time is the same regardless of their FPS.

Anti-Cheat Measures

  • Screenshots taken on death and when map ends.
  • Check players are using default sounds for weapons, footsteps, etc.
  • Simple OpenGF32 and AGFix cheat detection.

Client commands

  • /unstuck - Teleports you to a free spot in-case you're stuck (10-second cooldown).

Server variables

FPS limit

  • sv_ag_fpslimit_max_fps 144
  • sv_ag_fpslimit_max_detections 5
  • sv_ag_fpslimit_check_interval 5.0


  • sv_ag_unstuck_start_distance 32
  • sv_ag_unstuck_max_attempts 64
  • sv_ag_unstuck_cooldown 10.0


  • sv_ag_destroyable_satchel 0
  • sv_ag_destroyable_satchel_hp 1


  • sv_ag_check_soundfiles 1
  • sv_ag_block_namechange_inmatch 1