🌍The Web, Node …Rollup supports many output formats: ES modules, CommonJS, UMD, SystemJS and more. Bundle not only for the web but for many other platforms as well.See all formats
🌳Tree-shakingSuperior dead code elimination based on deep execution path analysis with the tool that brought tree-shaking to the JavaScript world.Learn about tree-shaking
🗡️Code-splitting without overheadSplit code based on different entry points and dynamic imports by just using the import mechanism of the output format instead of customer loader code.How to use code-splitting
🔌Powerful pluginsAn easy to learn plugin API that allows you to implement powerful code injections and transformations with little code. Adopted by Vite and WMR.Learn how to write plugins
🛠️Handles your special needsRollup is not opinionated. Many configuration options and a rich plugin interface make it the ideal bundler for special build flows and higher level tooling.See all options
The bundler behind ViteDeveloping for the web? Vite pre-configures Rollup for you with sensible defaults and powerful plugins while giving you an insanely fast development server.Check out Vite