On 3 May 2014, I was deeply touched to be advised that I had been chosen to receive the 2014 ‘Grandes Pensadores de la Humanidad’ award, signed by the Nature Princess Eva Rosario of Guatemala. This award is the most important recognition that I have ever received and I am extremely grateful to the girls of Earthgardens – check out their website if you want to be utterly inspired – for recognizing my efforts in this highly meaningful way. I love you all! The citation reads as follows:
Muchas gracias por el trabajo para mejorar la sociedad humana en este planeta. Aqui mandamos un foto del primer premio que ha otorgado la nueva Princesa Naturaleza Eva Rosario de Guatemala. Cada año destacamos la persona más valiosa para la humanidad. Tambien un foto de la princesa misma, que ella manda a usted Robert Burrowes con la más alta agradecimiento, respeto y cariño.