Jawaharlal Nehru
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (Allahabad, 14 novèmmre 1889 – Nuève Delhi, 27 másce 1964) ha state 'nu politeche indiane , Prime Ministre Indiane d 'u 1947 ad 'u 1964 e une de le personalità polìteche cchiù canosciute d'u munne. Erede spirituale de Gandhi, jidde ha date 'na fisionomije polìteche ad 'u movimènde naziunaliste d'a non violenze d'u granne cape spirituale de ll'Indie, e ha sapùte condurre felicemènde n'puèrte 'a battagghie pè le 'ndependenze.
'Na vote conseguite le 'ndependenze (1947), jndr'à polìteche estere Nehru pigghie 'na posizione neutrale, 'ndese cumme 'ndependenze sije da 'u blocche Occidentale ca da quidde Oriendale. Jndre stu sense jidde devende, cu Gamal Abd el-Nasser e Josip Broz Tito, une de le cape de le pajèsere non allineate ca mitte 'nzieme pajèsere 'a cui economije mostre carattere assaje lundàne sije da 'u capitalisme lìbberiste sije da ô statalisme de stambe sovieteche, cumme jè appunde 'u case de ll'Indie e, prime d'u soje squaciamènde, d'a Jugoslavie.
Successivamènde, però, Nehru recanosce ca 'na posiziune neutraliste jndr'à lle combronde d'u comunisme 'ndernazionale, de nature espansioniste ed aggressive, non g'ère assaje realiste. L'aggressione subbìte da 'u soje paise da parte d'a Cine, inoltre, fà penzà jidde a scè acchianne ajute a lle pajèsere facènde parte d'a NATO ed a lassà le soje posiziune neutraliste.
Parlanne de polìteche 'nderne, Nehru fù propugnatore de 'nu forte 'ndervènde statale n'materie economeche, pur recanoscenne a ll'iniziative private 'a prengepàle funziune propulsive pè 'nu rijale armoneche prugresse economeche e civile.
[cange • cange 'a sorgende]- A Tryst With Destiny historic speech made by Jawaharlal Nehru on 14 August 1947
- Nehru: The Invention of India by Shashi Tharoor (November 2003) Arcade Books ISBN 1-55970-697-X
- Jawaharlal Nehru (Edited by S. Gopal and Uma Iyengar) (July 2003) The Essential Writings of Jawaharlal Nehru Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-565324-6
- Autobiography:Toward freedom, Oxford University Press
- Jawaharlal Nehru: Life and work by M. Chalapathi Rau, National Book Club (1 January 1966)
- Jawaharlal Nehru by M. Chalapathi Rau. [New Delhi] Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India [1973]
- Letters from a father to his daughter by Jawaharlal Nehru, Children's Book Trust
- Nehru: A Political Biography by Michael Brecher (1959). London:Oxford University Press.
- After Nehru, Who by Welles Hangen (1963). London: Rupert Hart-Davis.
- Nehru: The Years of Power by Geoffrey Tyson (1966). London: Pall Mall Press.
- Independence and After: A collection of the more important speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru from September 1946 to May 1949 (1949). Delhi: The Publications Division, Government of India.
- pbs.org, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/pdf/prof_jawaharla.pdf .
- "The Challenge to Indian Nationalism." by Selig S. Harrison Foreign Affairs vol. 34, no. 2 (1956): 620-636.
- “Nehru, Jawaharlal.” by Ainslie T. Embree, ed., and the Asia Society. Encyclopedia of Asian History. Vol. 3. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York. (1988): 98-100.
- “Nehru: The Great Awakening.” by Robert Sherrod. Saturday Evening Post vol. 236, no. 2 (19 January 1963): 60-67.
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