Right folks, this is the laziest "recipe" ever but it's great so here we are: toad in the hole. I will take a better photo next time I make it, I had to pull this one from my Instagram/Pixelfed archive.
6 Sausages
Batter Mix
Preheat the oven to 180°c, oil up a dish, and pop that in the oven for 10-15 minutes
Fry the sausages so the skin is lightly browned off.
Make some batter from a batter mix (example), or make your own.
Take out the now-heated dish, pour in the batter mix, then pop the sausages in.
Put it back in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the batter and sausages are golden brown.
Make some gravy and serve. I like Bisto finest but whatever you like. You can even share it if you're feeling generous.
Toad in the Hole.cook
>> name: Toad in the Hole >> notes: This is a _really_ lazy way of doing it. You could make your own batter if you have more time and patience than me >> image: https://cdn.rknight.me/site/toad-in-the-hole.jpg Preheat the oven to 180°c, oil up a dish, and pop that in the oven for ~{10-15%minutes} Fry the @Sausages{6} so the skin is lightly browned off. Make some batter from a @Batter Mix{} ([example](https://groceries.asda.com/product/pancake-batter-mixes/just-essentials-by-asda-batter-mix-125-g/1000265255205)), or make your own. Take out the now-heated dish, pour in the batter mix, then pop the sausages in. Put it back in the oven for ~{25-30%minutes} until the batter and sausages are golden brown. Make some @Gravy and serve. I like [Bisto finest](https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/bisto-best-beef-gravy-granules/431987-711062-711063) but whatever you like. You can even share it if you're feeling generous.