
Fundraising for St Jude

This year is Relay FM's 5th annual fundraiser for St Jude Children's Research Hospital. If you don't know St Jude:

The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay.

Their goal this year is to hit $2.5 million lifetime donations. As part of that individuals, like me, can set up their own campaign which is exactly what I've done.

I set a milestone of $150 at which point I will watch all 99 minutes of Superfast!, a Fast and Furious parody movie which I definitely do not want to watch in any way. That milestone has been hit already so keep an eye out on the We Got Family podcast feed for an episode about it.

My original goal was $250 but Adam of kindly donated the entire amount in one go. Then he went one step further and commited to donating 50% of profits from for the entire month. So if you're an member (or you sign up for a new account) and you renew your address you're donating to the campaign.

We also have two codes up for grabs: anyone who donates $10 or more will be entered to win a five year code and whoever donates the most will win an ultra-rare lifetime code.

I have moved the goal to $3000 $5000 $10000 and as generous as Adam is being, I don't want it to all come from him so if you can donate anything, even a dollar, it all helps towards an amazing cause.

Donate to the campaign here

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