
Snippets I Use Regularly

Someone recently asked me how I was able to respond to a message so quickly to a keyboard shortcut question using the command and shift symbols ( ) in my response. Snippets is the answer and I thought it would be a good idea to post the ones I use regularly.

These all run through Alfred which is my favourite Mac app by a longshot but there are other options that do similar things like TextExpander, Espanso, and Typinator. I always prefix my snippets with ; so I don't accidentally trigger them during normal typing[1].

Exported snippets from Alfred are in an .alfredsnippets file which is a wrapper around a sqlite database. Instead of copy and pasting these I used the Snippet Transformer workflow to convert them to CSV for easier copying.

General Snippets

These are mostly used when write code, or git commits. The date ones I probably used 20 times a day.

keyword output notes
;em email address I also have one of these for my work email
;dn 1955-11-05 Alfred syntax: {date:Y-MM-dd}
;cl [1955-11-05] I used this a lot for adding entries to changelogs at work
;dtn 1955-11-05 06:16 Alfred syntax: {date:Y-MM-dd HH:mm}
;sel select * from
;cl console.log()
;uuid A41861B4-3EF1-4161-B080-2F9CA025D78A Alfred syntax: {random:UUID}


These are ones that I really don't need but it's nice to use the trademark or multiplication symbols when shitposting on Mastodon having very serious conversations with my friends. Quality Jokes™: a robb × mastodon collab.

keyword output notes
;shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
;deg °
;x × This is the symbol that should be used for multiplication. And collabs of course.
;kall ⌃⌥⇧⌘
;kopt <kbd>⌥</kbd> *
;kcmd <kbd>⌘</kbd> *
;kshift <kbd>⇧</kbd> *
;kctrl <kbd>⌃</kbd> *

* kbd is the rarely-seen keyboard input element. Example which I definitely didn't just add to my css for this blog post:


I reordered the modifier key symbols to be in the correct modifier key order.

  1. It still happens on occasion

Discuss on the 'don 2024-01-13

Snippets I Use Regularly

New post with a list of some of the snippets I find useful on a daily basis.

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