
Pub Hack #1

posts 2013-09-18

The first Pub Hack took place yesterday. Jo and Lillian did an excellent job of organising everything including food, t-shirts, trophies as well as all the other behind-the-scenes stuff that needed doing.

The theme was "post-apocolypse" so pretty much everyone, including our team, took that to mean zombies. We wasted the first hour on an idea that we found had already been done and then got to work on "Has It Blown Over Yet?". Blown Over takes inspiration from UK Snow Map, and Shaun of the Dead, and allows people to report a zombie attack on Twitter (using the hashtag #pompeyzombie) or on the website. And of course it will show you pubs close to your location to wait for this to all blow over.

We only had 10 hours to build it so the Twitter integration is a little bit buggy and the map pins just keep building up forever. But overall I'm really happy with what we built.

There were some excellent entries including "Apocalhipster" which used an iPhone accelarometer and web sockets to control a zombie-shooting hipster, "Last Man Standing" which used the battery level API to allow people to set off alarms on the laptops of those plugged into power and a first-person game set in the Brewhouse & Kitchen, where Pub Hack took place. There was also a similiar entry to ours tracking disasters across the world on a map and a directory of "forts" (read: pubs) in which to stay safe from the apocolypse.

Our team won "Most Likely to Commercially Suceed" which was awesome, Apocalhipster won "Best Design" and the 3D game won overall. It was a really great day and I can't wait for the next one.

Update: Pub Hack on Vimeo

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