
More Things You Can Do on Your Website

James wrote a great post with 100 83 ideas for things to do on a website[1] with a call for people suggest more so here's another ten suggestions to add to his list, most of which already exist on my site because I have no imagination.

  1. A uses page with software, tools, whatever you use to do things you enjoy doing
  2. A collections page to show off your games, books, stamps, or anything else you collect
  3. A colophon to explain how your website is created, built, and hosted
  4. Create a podroll to list the podcasts you like to listen to
  5. A wiki or a notes page to write down things you've learnt, little snippets of code, or useful website you use
  6. A version history page to show what your website has looked like in the past
  7. As an extension of James' number 33, add a subscribe page to list all the ways someone can see your blog posts like RSS and Mastodon
  8. A save page to list referral links for things you recommend
  9. A log of all the movies and tv shows you've watched, books you've read, and games (board or video) you've played
  10. A stats page to show how many words you've written in total, how many posts, or something else interesting about your site

  1. I will be consulting a lawyer about the false advertising, James

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