
Making a Word Cloud for App Defaults

posts 2024-01-02

Since I last blogged about the App Defaults project the number of blog posts has more than doubled; there are 320 now!

A few people have said something along the lines of "It would be cool to see what the most popular apps are" and I told them I'd been working on a way to do it. I shipped the best approximation I can do given the blog posts don't have a standard format: a word cloud.

I created a new script called extract.js and used @extractus/article-extractor to extract the main article content from everyone's blog posts and write that to an HTML file.

import { extract } from '@extractus/article-extractor'
import fs from 'fs'

const sites = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../_data/sites.json', 'utf8'))

const run = async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
const input = sites[i].url

try {
console.log('running for ' + input)
if (!fs.existsSync(`./_output/_${i}.html`)) {
const article = await extract(input)
fs.writeFileSync(`./_output/_${i}.html`, article.content)
} catch (err) {
console.log('error caught, writing blank file')
fs.writeFileSync(`./_output/_${i}.html`, '')

Once I had the HTML, I needed to extract the words. The initial version used a combination of regex, find-and-replace, and generally nonsense to try to get a clean set of words. This did not work; I ended up with words joined together and punctuation where it shouldn't be. I showed the demo on the Hemispheric Views hangout and Jason was very excited so I knew I had to get this working.

This morning I realised I was making this too difficult, I just wanted the text. Javascript can do that with innerText and jQuery can do it with text(). So I installed Cheerio. I used Cheerio in the past to do some web scraping. I needed to remove some rogue punctuation after the fact, and do some splitting and joining but the output is much better than before:

for (let i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
// grab the html as above

const htmlWords = $.text()
// remove emoji
.replace(/([\u2700-\u27BF]|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u2011-\u26FF]|\uD83E[\uDD10-\uDDFF])/g, '')
.split('\n').join(' ')
.split(' ')
.map(w => {
let wf = w.trim()
if (wf.endsWith('.')) wf = wf.slice(0, -1)
if (wf.endsWith(',')) wf = wf.slice(0, -1)
if (wf.endsWith('!')) wf = wf.slice(0, -1)
if (wf.endsWith('?')) wf = wf.slice(0, -1)
if (wf.endsWith(':')) wf = wf.slice(0, -1)
wf = wf.replaceAll('(', '')
.replaceAll(')', '')
return wf.toLowerCase()
.filter(w => {
return w && w.length > 3 && !stopWords.includes(w.toLowerCase())
.join(' ')
.split('/').join(' ')
.split(' ')

htmlWords.forEach(word => {
if (!wordMap[word]) wordMap[word.toLowerCase()] = 0

Notice I'm also filtering out words shorter than 3 characters, removing some common punctuation, as well as checking against a list of stop words. I expanded this stop words list to include some common words these blog posts all tend to have like hemispheric, duel, and defaults.

To make the word cloud I'm using wordCloud2.js which requires the words to be in this format: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6]][1]. Once I had extracted all the words, I sort them by frequency, map them to the correct format, the write them to Eleventy's data directory:

// write the output of all the words
fs.writeFileSync('./_output/wordMap.json', JSON.stringify(wordMap, '', 2))

// sort by cound
const sorted = Object.entries(wordMap).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])

let outputForWordCloud = []

Object.values(sorted).forEach(word => {

// write both files to the data directory
fs.writeFileSync('../_data/wordsRaw.json', JSON.stringify(wordMap))
fs.writeFileSync('../_data/words.json', JSON.stringify(outputForWordCloud))

Once I had my data I added it to the window object on the Word Cloud page and initialised the library:

window.WordCloudWords = {{ words | stringify | safe }}

.canvas {
border: 20px solid white;
<canvas id="wordcloud-canvas" class="canvas" height="600" width="1200"></canvas>

<script type="text/javascript">

(function() {
// - 70 here to account for padding
const width = (window.innerWidth > 1200 ? 1200 : window.innerWidth) - 70
document.getElementById('wordcloud-canvas').width = width
document.getElementById('wordcloud-canvas').height = 600

WordCloud(document.getElementById('wordcloud-canvas'), {
list: window.WordCloudWords,
rotateRatio: 1,
shrinkToFit: true


The final result as of this writing (view the live version here):

App Defaults word cloud

  1. What a strange format choice

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